College of Public Health - Spring 2025

BSE 5001 Biostatistics and Epidemiology
BSE 5013 Microcomputer Data Analysis
BSE 5023 Computer Apps in Public Health
BSE 5033 Overview of Public Health
BSE 5113 Principles of Epidemiology
BSE 5153 Clinical Trials
BSE 5163 Biostatistical Methods I
BSE 5173 Biostatistics Methods II
BSE 5193 Intermediate Epidemiol Methods
BSE 5303 Epi of Infectious Disease
BSE 5363 Epi Prev Chron Disease
BSE 5733 Prin Mathematical Statistics I
BSE 5763 Applied Bayesian Stats
BSE 5960 Directed Readings Biostat/Epi
BSE 5980 Research for Masters Thesis
BSE 5990 Special Studies
BSE 6192 Grant Writing in Epidemiology
BSE 6323 Molecular Genetic Epidemiology
BSE 6663 Analysis of Multivariate Data
BSE 6950 Research in Biostats & Epidemi
BSE 6960 Directed Readings
BSE 6980 Rsrch for Doctoral Diss
CPH 7003 Integrated Public Health
CPH 7941 Practicum Prep
CPH 7950 PH Practicum
HAP 5303 Health Policy and Politics
HAP 5453 U.S. Health Care Systems
HAP 5563 Human Res Mgt Hlth Serv Org
HAP 5613 Financial Mangmt Hlth Serv Org
HAP 5643 Qtve Methods in Health Adm
HAP 5733 Managed Care & Integrated Syst
HAP 5863 Strategic Mgmt Hlth Serv Organ
HAP 5883 Health Care Quality Management
HAP 5950 Field Work in Health Admin
HAP 5960 Directed Reading
HAP 5973 Seminar in Health Admin
HAP 5990 Research in Health Admin
HAP 6960 Directed Reading
HAP 7913 Prof. Comm. Skills
HPS 5213 Soc & Beh Sci in Public Health
HPS 5543 Program Evaluation
HPS 5553 Comm Bas Par Res
HPS 5563 Program Plan for Health Promo
HPS 5683 Social Policy & Health
HPS 5853 Health & the American Indian
HPS 5960 Directed Reading
HPS 5980 Research Master's Thesis
HPS 5990 Special Studies
HPS 6643 Health Promotion Theory II
HPS 6923 Social Determinants Hlth
HPS 6933 Qualitative Research Methods
HPS 6953 Adv Research Method in Soc/Beh
HPS 6980 Research Doctoral Dissertation
OEH 5013 Environmental Health
OEH 5023 PH Bio. & San.
OEH 5553 Toxicology
OEH 5734 Noise/Radiation Hazards
OEH 5742 Measurements
OEH 5752 Hazards Control
OEH 5801 Basic Ergonomics
OEH 5940 Field Prac.
OEH 5960 Directed Readings
OEH 5980 Research For Master's Thesis
OEH 5990 Special Studies
OEH 6103 OEH Research Methods
OEH 6200 Imparting OEH Knowledge
OEH 6980 Research Doctor's Dissertation