College of Dentistry Courses
BIOCD 7194 Biochemistry 4 hrs.
Prerequisites: None May be repeated; maximum credit 8 hours. A survey of biochemistry for students in the health-related professions covering the structure and function of biomolecules (proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and carbohydrates), metabolism, molecular genetics, membrane organization, transmembrane signaling, and additional topics of specific interest.
Course Component

BIOCD 8990 Special Studies 0-6 hrs.
May be repeated with change of subject matter. Topics of special nature or of unusual interest to the individual student.
Course Component

CELLD 7195 Human Structure for Dental Students 5 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Human Structure will emphasize anatomy and development of function. Early development and functions of all regions of the body will be studied. Lectures will be supported by on-line resources. Detailed dissections will be performed on the thorax, abdomen and specifically the head and neck. Organ anomalies will illustrate embryological concepts.
Course Component

CELLD 7425 General Histology 2.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Major features of cells, tissues, and organs, with special attention to areas of concern to dentists.
Course Component
Independent Study

CELLD 7525 Oral Histology 2.5 hrs.
The detailed structure and development of the dental tissues and associated orofacial structures.
Course Component

CELLD 8990 Special Studies 0-6 hrs.
Prerequisites: None May be repeated; maximum credit 6 hours. Special topics
Course Component

DH 3003 Interdisciplinary Leadership in Healthcare 3 hrs.
Prerequisites: Admissions to OU Health Sciences Campus. Cross Listed: PHAR 3003; NURS 3003; AHS 3003 This course reviews cultural humility and interprofessional competence in health care. It provides the opportunity to learn how interprofessional health professionals can utilize cultural humility to address health disparities among an increasingly diverse population while providing the highest quality of care. (F, Sp, Su, Int III, IV) Course may not fulfil the Upper-Division General Education Req.
Course Component

DH 3111 Pediatric Dentistry 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. Overview of physical, emotional and developmental aspects specific to the child. Applied techniques for the child dental hygiene patient.
Course Component

DH 3113 Pharmacology 3 hrs.
Prerequisities: None. A general introduction to the use of the drugs as therapeutic agents in the framework of a systemic survey of major drug categories; consideration of the factors affecting the intensity of drug action.
Course Component

DH 3121 Geriatric Dentistry 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. Multi-Level Course: OD 8491 A combined interdepartmental course with DS3's and DH1's. Overview of increasing influences of the elderly population upon future delivery of dental services. Expert presentations are given in specialty areas for geriatric pharmacology, dentistry, gerontology, and DHS Adult Protective Services. Students are required to participate at an off-site senior care facility.
Course Component

DH 3242 General and Oral Histology 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Study of the microscopic structure of the tissues of the body and the oral cavity, with emphasis on the development of oral structures.
Course Component

DH 3271 Dental Morphology 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. Introduction to the anatomy, functions and structure of the teeth with emphasis on tooth identification and dental terminology.
Course Component

DH 3312 Clinical Dental Hygiene I 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. This course emphasizes practical application of fundamental concepts and principles of patient care discussed in CDH Theory I. Emphasis is placed upon development of skills and dexterity necessary for routine dental hygiene treatment. Also includes rotation through various clinics to acquaint the student with different aspects of clinical dentistry.
Course Component

DH 3313 Clinical Dental Hygiene Theory I 3 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. Introduction to theory of the dental hygiene process of care and the practice of dental hygiene. Students will become acquainted with concepts necessary to provide competent dental hygiene care. Principles of basic instrumentation, prevention of disease transmission, patient assessement procedures, treatment interventions, and introduction to clinical protocol are included.
Course Component

DH 3322 Oral Diagnosis 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: DH 3313 or Permission. Rationale for and methods of gathering data needed for diagnosis of oral conditions, including medical and dental history taking, examinations of the head, neck, and oral cavity and review of radiographs.
Course Component

DH 3323 Clinical Dental Hygiene II 3 hrs.
Prerequisites: DH3312 Students begin provision of DH care to patients with relatively uncomplicated needs. Students continue rotations that may include various COD clinics, institutional settings, and/or private offices. Rotation experiences include assisting, exposing and developing radiographs and observation of sterilization.
Course Component

DH 3342 Head and Neck Anatomy 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: Permission. Introduction to basic terminology, location, description and physiology relative to head and neck anatomy. Designed to provide a working fundamental knowledge of principles of neurologic, vascular, osseous, and muscular sybsystems. Particular emphasis is placed on entities that by form and or function apply to the clinical practice of dental hygiene.
Course Component

DH 3411 Applied Dental Materials 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. Laboratory course to provide experiences to prepare the student for the clinical applications of dental materials used in dental hygiene practice.
Course Component

DH 3421 Oral Radiography II 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. Basic radiation physics, biological effects of radiation, exposure procedures, development procedures (darkroom technique) and radiation safety. Laboratory included.
Course Component

DH 3422 Clinical Dental Hygiene Theory II 2 hrs.
Prerequisite: DH 3313 Provides expansion of knowledge to provide dental hygiene treatment, including ultrasonic instrumentation, root planing, sealants, and dentinal hypersensitivity and implant maintenance. Students are introduced to self-assessment in the clinical environment, prosthetic appliance care and DH treatment of orthodontic patients. Presentation of DH case study that includes medical emergency is required.
Course Component

DH 3423 Oral Radiography I 3 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. This course introduces the dental application of radiography including the nature of ioniing radiation and principles of x-ray production, biologic effects and radiation protection and safety. It introduces intraoral and extraoral radiographs and specific landmarks. The course prepares the student for preclinical and clinical radiography in the Spring semester.
Course Component

DH 3441 Dental Materials Science 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. Methods and materials used in the replacement or restoration of teeth. Laboratory included.
Course Component

DH 3511 Health Education 1 hrs.
Prerequisite: DH 3513 Preventive Dentistry The principles of health education and the psychology of human behavior with emphasis on factors influencing dental health behavior both on an individual basis and in the group setting.
Course Component

DH 3513 Preventive Dentistry 3 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. Historical development and current status of dental hygiene as the preventive auxiliary in dentistry; ethical responsibilities of the dental hygienist; individual and community methods of prevention as part of the specialties of dentistry; introduction to communication skills needed in working with patients.
Course Component

DH 3523 Dental Hygiene Research Methods 3 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. The basic priniciples of Research Methodology and Biostatistics as they apply to the practice of dental hygiene. Emphasis will be placed on critical evaluation of scientific literature, research design and scientific writing.
Course Component

DH 3960 Honors Readings 1-3 hrs.
Prerequisites: Admission to the Honors Program. May be repeated with change of content; maximum credit 3 hours. Honors reading will consist of topics designated by the instructor in keeping with the student's major program. The topics will cover materials not usually presented in the regular courses. May be repeated; maximum credit six hours.
Course Component
Independent Study

DH 3970 Honors Seminar 1-3 hrs.
Prerequisites: Admission to the Honors Program. May be repeated; maximum credit six hours. The projects covered in this course will vary. The content will deal with concepts not usually presented in regular coursework.
Course Component

DH 3980 Honors Research 1-3 hrs.
Prerequisites: Admission to Honors Program. May be repeated; maximum credit six hours. Will provide an opportunity for the gifted honors candidate to work a special project in the student's field. May be repeated; maximum credit six hours.
Course Component
Independent Study

DH 3993 Honors Colloquium 3 hrs.
Prerequisites: Admission to Honors Program. May be repeated; maximum credit 3 hours. An interdepartmental course involving two or more instructors from different departments developed and approved by the honors program director and listed in each departmental honors program. Students are required to enroll in the colloquium under their major departmental number.
Course Component
Independent Study

DH 4144 Oral Pathology 4 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. Physiology of disease in the human body, principles of recognition, and rationale for prevention. Emphasis on oral pathology and on clinical ramifications of systemic disease in the dental patient.
Course Component

DH 4331 Clinical Rotations I 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: DH 3313 and DH 3422. Practical experiences in various clinical aspects of general and specialty dentistry. Includes assisting and observing dental students, residents and faculty providing dental care to patients. Students will provide dental hygiene services to patients in selected settings to observe the integration of clinical dental hygiene within the field of dentistry.
Course Component

DH 4332 Dental Hygiene Process of Care 2 hrs.
Prerequisite: DH 3422. This course is designed to begin preparing the learner for transition to practitioner. Includes theory and practice of advanced instrumentation techniques and care of patients with complex medical problems.
Course Component

DH 4336 Clinical Dental Hygiene III 6 hrs.
Prerequisites: DH 4332. Continuation of supervised clinical practice, with emphasis on meeting the needs of patients with special needs and/or complex medical problems. Self-assessment is an integral part of the learning experience.
Course Component

DH 4341 Clinical Rotations II 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: DH 4331 and DH 4332. A continuation of DH 4331 with emphasis on the clinical application of principles of patient evaluation, oral hygiene instruction, periodontal debridement and adjunct services within general and speciality dental practice experiences.
Course Component

DH 4401 Periodontics I 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. Introduction to etiology and clinical description of periodontal diseases; therapeutic rationale and techniques from initial examination through presurgical reevaluation.
Course Component

DH 4411 Dental Hygiene Practice Management 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. Study of the administrative roles and responsibilities needed for dental hygiene practice, including relevant business aspects of dentistry and the integral contributions of the dental hygienist to the oral healthcare team. Personal career development planning will also be considered, including job search considerations and strategies, and employment factors.
Course Component

DH 4413 Senior Capstone Seminar 3 hrs.
Prerequisites: DH 3523 The critical evaluation of scientific literature and its incorporation into an independent study or a research project on some aspect of dentistry from which conclusions are written in a scholarly paper and presented orally.
Course Component
Independent Study

DH 4421 Ethics and Jurisprudence 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. Basic tenets of the law as it applies to dentistry and dental hygiene. Study of professional ethics with the goal of promoting ethical dialogue, conduct and reasoning. Topics of discussion include defining the ethical organization, and the ADHA Code of Ethics, dealing with conflicting values, and responding to unethical behavior.
Course Component

DH 4442 Advanced Clinical Dental Hygiene 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: DH 3313, DH 3322, DH 4332 Through seminar and lecture, students explore clinical issues as they arise and learn advanced dental hygiene principles, and additional clinical functions performed by hygienists. The emphasis is to broaden the student's perspective of dental hygiene practice.
Course Component

DH 4446 Clinical Dental Hygiene IV 6 hrs.
Prequisites: DH 4336 Final semester of supervised clinical practice with an emphasis on transition to dental hygiene practice. Continuation of care for patients with complex medical problems, and additional clinical functions performed by dental hygienists.
Course Component

DH 4472 Pain Control for Dental Hygiene Care 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. Pain control by the use of local anesthesia agents used in dentistry.
Course Component

DH 4501 Periodontics II 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: DH 4401 or permission. Introduction to periodontal surgical procedures, including rationale and techniques in coordination with systemic and other dental health problems.
Course Component

DH 4541 Community Health Practicum 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: Permission. Implementation and evaluation of community dental health programs in selected community settings. Critical evaluation of scientific literature and its incorporation into an independent study or a research project on some aspect of dentistry from which conclusions are written in a scholarly paper and presented orally at a professional dental meeting.
Course Component

DH 4552 Community Health Issues 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. Principles of community health including the social, cultural, political, psychological and economic factors that which influence the utilization and delivery of dental health services within the health care system. Includes the epidemiological patterns of oral diseases and community dental health program planning.
Course Component

DH 4601 Periodontics III 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: DH 4401 and DH 4501 or Permissions. Advanced periodontal therapy related to other clinical disciplines including orthodontics, endodontics, fixed and removable prosthodontics.
Course Component

DH 4950 Research in Dental Hygiene 1-4 hrs.
Prerequisites: Permission. May be repeated with change of subject matter; maximum credit four hours. Research technique at the undergraduate level. Research topics which can be completed within the semester will be selected by students with faculty guidance.
Course Component
Independent Study

DH 4960 Directed Reading in Dental Hygiene 1-4 hrs.
Prerequisites: Permission. May be repeated with change of content; maximum credit 4 hours. Elective for students who wish to pursue library research on topics in dental hygiene.
Course Component
Independent Study

DH 4990 Special Studies in Dental Hygiene 1-4 hrs.
Prerequisites: Permission. May be repeated with change of subject matter; maximum credit four hours. Elective for students who wish to devote time to delineating a special problem and solving that problem with guidance from a faculty member.
Course Component
Independent Study

DMS 7191 Introductory Principles of Materials Science 1 hrs.
Introduction to structures and properties of materials; behavior of ceramics, polymers and metals; fundamentals of composite and alloy structures; physical and chemical properties as related to structure.
Course Component

DMS 7291 Applied Dental Materials I 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: DMS 7191 (Introductory Principles of Materials Science) Composition, Manipulation and properties of dental bonding systems, cements, impression materials, finishing and polishing materials, tooth bleaching systems, and materials used in the dental casting procedure. Introduction to physical, chemical, and clinical properties of dental materials; terminology, dental uses, composition, laboratory and clinical manipulation, and current research.
Course Component

DMS 7391 Applied Dental Materials II 1 hrs.
Continuation of Applied Dental Materials I, with emphasis on impression materials, noble and non-noble alloys, porcelain, dental casting procedures, and overview of present uses of dental materials.
Course Component

DMS 8990 Special Studies 0-6 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Special topics
Course Component

DSA 7592 Behavioral Sciences I 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: None This course is designed to teach basic communication skill to health care providers including the art of listening, non-verbal communication, body language, hidden agendas, transactional analysis, interviewing patients, emotional competence, empathy, motivating patients, assertiveness training, conflict resolution and developing professional writing and speaking skills.
Course Component

DSA 7791 Introduction to Ethics 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Introduction to Ethics provides first year dental students with foundational concepts of ethics and professionalism. Topics covered include the history of dentistry, legal and regulatory issues, and the core values of the ADA Code of Ethics.
Course Component

DSA 7891 Community Dentistry 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Community Dentistry introduces first year dental students to concepts of community health, health disparities, and oral health care delivery systems. Student activities include lectures, assigned readings, developing a community oral health profile, and developing a presentation targeting a specific oral health issue.
Course Component

DSA 7991 Evidence-based Dentistry 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Evidence-based Dentistry introduces first year dental students to the process of accessing and analyzing sources of scientific information and how to apply those in clinical practice. Student activities include lectures, assigned readings, reviewing journal articles, and developing and presenting a brief research protocol.
Course Component

DSA 8105 Clinical Record Keeping and Patient Management I 0.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: Students must have successfully completed the academic, preclinical, and clinic orientation sessions for dental years 1 and 2 and must be a student in good standing promoted to the third year. Ongoing assessment of the clinical protocol and practice and patient management based on the guidelines and directives issued by the clinical teaching departments and the director of clinics. It involves an assessment of the daily implementation and adherence to the guidelines of the "Protocol for Clinic Practice Manual."
Course Component
Independent Study

DSA 8291 Introduction to Practice Management 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: By Permission Basic and foundational principles for running a successful dental practice, including location, hiring the right team members, operational systems, and tracking metrics for practice growth and sustainable financial success. (Summer IV)
Course Component

DSA 8305 Clinical Record Keeping And Patient Management II 0.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: Students must have successfully complete the Fall and Spring semesters of the third year. Ongoing assessment of the clinical protocol and practice and patient management based on the guidelines and directives issued by the clinical teaching departments and the director of clinics. It involves an assessment of the daily implementation and adherence to the guidelines of the "Protocol for Clinical Practice Manual."
Course Component
Independent Study

DSA 8592 Advanced Practice Management 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: By permission. Advanced practice management principles for running a successful dental practice. Students will learn to identify appropriate and available resources for effective practice management operations while prioritizing systems for maximum efficiency, organization, stress control, and sustainable financial success. (Fall IV)
Course Component

DSA 8691 Psychological Basis For Dental Practice 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. Utilizing principles of psychodynamics to understand and motivate patients while minimizing patient fear and anxiety through effective communication and integrating psychology and dentistry to employ sound management principles in a dental practice.
Course Component

DSA 8990 Special Studies 0-6 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Special topics
Course Component

DSA 9105 Clinical Record Keeping and Patient Management III 0.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: Students must have successfully completed the third year and be promoted to the fourth year. Ongoing assessment of the clinical protocol and practice and patient management based on the guidelines and directives issued by the clinical teaching departments and the director of clinics. It involves an assessment of the daily implementation and adherence to the guidelines of the "Protocol for Clinic Practice Manual."
Course Component
Independent Study

DSA 9291 Ethical and Legal Aspects of Dentistry 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. Review of principles of practice administration and ethical/legal obligations of the dentist, including issues of 3rd party government and/or private payors, OSHA requirements, and Code of Ethics.
Course Component

DSA 9345 Senior Externship 0-4.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: None May be repeated; maximum credit 4.5 hours. Yearlong course This course is designed to provide extramural education and service delivery experiences to better prepare students for the practice of dentistry. The course also provides students an opportunity to develop appreciation of the patient as an individual, understanding of the patient's community, and increased awareness of dental services delivery systems.
Course Component

DSA 9505 Clinical Record Keeping and Patient Management IV 0.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: Students must have successfully completed the third year Fall semester. Ongoing assessment of the clinical protocol and practice and patient management based on the guidelines and directives issued by the clinical teaching departments and the director of clinics. It involves an assessment of the daily implementation and adherence to the guidelines of the "Protocol for Clinic Practice Manual."
Course Component
Independent Study

ENDO 7115 Endodontics I, Pre-Clinical Lecture Series 0-1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None, DSII in good academic standing. May be repeated; maximum credit 1 hours. Year-long course Students are instructed in the principles and objectives of non-surgical endodontic therapy. Topics include tooth anatomy, materials, instruments, access, cleaning and shaping, and obturation for the treatment of pulpal and periapical pathology. Students are prepared for patient care with the didactic background for clinical testing and diagnosis.
Course Component

ENDO 7225 Endodontics I, Pre-Clinical Laboratory 0-1.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: None, DSII in good academic standing. May be repeated; maximum credit 1.5 hours. Year-long course Students are instructed in basic concepts, instruments and techniques of non-surgical endodontic therapy consistent with OUHSC COD philosophy. Through a series of extracted tooth projects, self evaluations, and practical examinations, students first acquired the skills and then practice techniques required to treat the root canal system.
Course Component

ENDO 8191 Endodontics II 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: Endodontics I. May be repeated; maximum credit 1 hours. The students must know why treatment is accomplished in the manner learned in the sophomore year. They must know the clinical variables in diagnosis, treatment planning, emergencies, pain, evaluation of the treated case and know the histology and microbiology of the endodontium as it relates to total health care. The object of this course is to supplement the student's clinical experiences with biological data.
Course Component

ENDO 8291 Clinical Endodontics I 0-1 hrs.
Prerequisites: ENDO 7125 May be repeated; maximum credit 1 hours. Yearlong Course Diagnosing and treating pulpally involved teeth so patients will have a pain free experience and predictable postoperative course. Clinical experience in providing endodontic care including treatment planning, diagnostic work-ups, treatment, post retained and other closures. A minimum of 14 canals must be treated prior to graduation.
Course Component

ENDO 8990 Special Studies 0-6 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Special topics
Course Component

ENDO 9191 Endodontics III 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: Endodontics I and II. Exposes the students to more advanced concepts of endodontics. Know the indications and contraindications and methodology required to accomplish: apexification/apexogenesis, endodontic surgery, reimplantation and root resection. In addition, learn about other commonly used treatment methods and be able to compare each with the method they are utilizing in the program. Able to recognize difficult treat situations and use referral whenever the case difficulty indicates.
Course Component

ENDO 9215 Clinical Endodontics II 0-1.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: ENDO 7125; ENDO 8191; and ENDO 8291 May be repeated; maximum credit 1.5 hours. Yearlong Course Continuation of Clinical Endodontics I
Course Component

FPRO 7125 Fixed Prosthodontics I 2.5 hrs.
Fundamentals of cast gold restorations, including preparation of teeth, impressions, casts and dies, wax patterns, investing, and casting.
Course Component

FPRO 7293 Fixed Prosthodontics II 3 hrs.
A continuation of FPRO 8301, including tooth preparations, fabrication of posterior mandibular bridge, partial fabrication of maxillary anterior bridge, fabrication of dowel core, atypical preparations on extracted teeth and treatment planning.
Course Component

FPRO 8215 Clinical Fixed Prosthodontics I 0-1.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: None May be repeated; maximum credit 1.5 hours. Year long course Application of knowledge and skills gained from previous prerequisite courses to patients, including diagnosis and treatment planning and the development of skill in fabricating precision cast restorations that will function in a biologic environment.
Course Component

FPRO 8990 Special Studies 0-6 hrs.
Topics of special nature or of unusual interest to the individual student. May be repeated with change of subject matter.
Course Component

IMPL 8192 Oral Implantology I 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Same didactic course with laboratory addition to provide the students a hands on experience with the fixed and removable implant supported prostheses.
Course Component

IMPL 9105 Oral Implantology II 0-1 hrs.
May be repeated; maximum credit 1 hours. Oral Implantology II is an introductory clinical course designed to provide hands on training in dental implantology to the dental students. This course will be an overview in patient care, implant maintenance, implant prostheses fabrication and modification. Year-long course: enrollment with no hours fall term: enrollment with hours spring term.
Course Component

MID 7135 Microbiology and Immunology for Dental Students 0-3.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: None May be repeated; maximum credit 3.5 hours. Fundamentals of microbiology and immunology related to dentistry. The laboratory component incorporates small group discussion and problem-based learning around relevant case-based scenarios. Both basic science and clinical faculty are involved in teaching. Course begins in the Summer and ends in the Fall.
Course Component

MID 8990 Special Studies 0-6 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Special topics
Course Component

OCCL 7101 Dental Morphology Lecture 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Introduction to the basic anatomic forms of the various classifications of teeth and their arrangement. Students will learn dental terminology and tooth identification. (Fall I)
Course Component

OCCL 7215 Dental Morphology Lab 1.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Introducation to the basic anatomic forms of the various classifications of teeth. Students will learn techniques of reproducing tooth form through waxing exercises and waxing competencies. Students will also learn to identify and classify extracted teeth. (Fall I)
Course Component

OCCL 7225 Articulation and Occlusion 2.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Essential factors of dental occlusion, mandibular movements, and their simulation by use of the articulator.
Course Component

OCCL 7305 Clinical Occlusion I 0.5 hrs.
Occlusal evaluation, development of a plan of treatment and providing necessary treatment for each new patient.
Course Component

OCCL 8105 Clinical Occlusion II 0.5 hrs.
A continuation of 8406.
Course Component

OCCL 8990 Special Studies 0-6 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Special topics
Course Component

OD 7191 Oral Radiology 1 hrs.
Fundamentals of radiation physics, biological effect of x- radiation, radiation safety, radiographic quality and intraoral and extraoral radiographic techniques correlated with laboratory-clinic sessions emphasizing the long-cone parallelling techniques.
Course Component

OD 7225 Radiographic Techniques and Interpretation 2.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: OD 7191 Lectures and pre-clinical laboratory sessions will focus on intraoral and extraoral techniques, technique errors and correction methods, interpretation terminology, normal anatomy, variations, dental caries, periodontal diseases, dental materials, dental anomalies, common pathologic conditions in jaws and advanced imaging. Students will practice various intraoral and extraoral radiographic techniques on training models.
Course Component

OD 7291 Cariology and Fluorides 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None This course is designed to convey a basic understanding of the various preventive implications involved in routine dental care as envisioned within various sectors of the community involving factors such as the agent, host, and environment in the dental caries process. There is a focus on fluorides and dental caries.
Course Component

OD 7393 Oral Diagnosis 3 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. Fundamentals of oral diagnosis including history taking, clinical examination, radiographic examination, supplemental diagnostic aids, diagnosis, and treatment planning. (Sp I)
Course Component

OD 7405 Adult Preventive Clinic 0.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: OD 7191, OD 7292, OD 7392, PERI 7194, PERI 7292, and PERI 7305. Application of principles and techniques learned in preceding courses to the first assigned adult clinic patient. This includes patient assessment: review of medical and dental history, recording of extraoral and intraoral findings, radiographic interpretation, diagnostic models, and formulation of a treatment plan. Dental prophylaxis included in indicated by diagnosis.
Course Component

OD 7505 Alchohol and Drug Education 0.5 hrs.
Based on the lifestyle risk reduction model of prevention, the course is designed to reduce risk of any type of alcohol, drug related problem at any point in life.
Course Component

OD 7625 Patient Contact 0-2.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: OD 7405 May be repeated; maximum credit 2.5 hours. Year-long Course This course follows OD 7405 and consists of examination, diagnosis and treatment planning. The course includes comprehensive oral evaluations of assigned student patients: a review of dental and medical history and general health assessment, evaluation and recording of extraoral and intraoral hard and soft tissues, including oral cancer evaluation.
Course Component

OD 7891 Radiographic Interpretation Seminars 0-1 hrs.
Prerequisites: Passing of OD 7191 and OD 7292 May be repeated; maximum credit 1 hours. Radiographic interpretation is the ability to read radiographic images of patients. It is a process of determining diagnostic quality of the images, recognition of normal radiographic anatomy, and abnormalities, which is significant in the assembly of a treatment plan. Student activities include assigned readings, interpretation with faculty and exams. (Yearlong course)
Course Component

OD 8105 Treatment Planning I 0.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Fundamentals of treatment planning including summarizing findings and diagnoses, establishing ideal and alternative treatment plans, and proper sequencing and coordination of care.
Course Component

OD 8115 Clinical Oral Diagnosis I 0-1.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: None May be repeated; maximum credit 1.5 hours. Yearlong Course The application of diagnostic techniques and the management of dental emergencies including the completion of various radiographic surveys, the examination of a large number of patients with a wide variety of conditions and the diagnosis and treatment of patients with dental emergencies.
Course Component

OD 8215 Clinical Oral Diagnosis II 0-1.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: None May be repeated; maximum credit 1.5 hours. Year-long Course A continuation of 9501, with increasing experience dealing with more complex diagnostic problems.
Course Component

OD 8292 Oral Medicine and Therapeutics 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: OD 7191, OD 7392, OP 7235, PHARMD 7194 This course presents dental management of patients whose complex medical histories may alter the delivery of dental therapy. The course will reinforce diagnostic and treatment planning skills acquired in previous Oral Diagnosis and Radiology courses and integrate information from Oral Pathology, Systemic Pathology and Pharmacology.
Course Component

OD 8491 Geriatric Dentistry 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. Multi-Level Course: DH 3121 A combined interdepartmental course with DS3's and DH1's. Overview of increasing influences of the elderly population upon future delivery of dental services. Expert presentations are given in specialty areas for geriatric pharmacology, dentistry, gerontology, and DHS Adult Protective Services. Students are required to participate at an off-site senior care facility.
Course Component

OD 8990 Special Studies 0-6 hrs.
Prerequisites: None May be repeated; maximum credit 6 hours. Special topics
Course Component

OD 9193 Correlation Seminar 3 hrs.
Prerequisites: By permission. Correlation of clinical decisions in dentistry for patient care through case presentation and/or literature review by dental students to the class and faculty. (Fall IV)
Course Component

OD 9591 Comprehensive Dentistry I 1-6 hrs.
Prerequisites: DSIV standing This course is clinically based and involves one or more of the following disciplines: Community Denistry, Endodontics, Fixed Prosthodontics, Implantology, Operative Denistry, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Surgery, Orthodontics, Pedodontics, Periodontics, or Removable Prosthodontics. It will allow students to obtain additional clinical experience in disciplines where competency has not been achieved.
Course Component

OP 7192 General Pathology for Dental Students 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Fundamentals of general pathology, with a focus on pathological mechanisms as foundational knowledge for subsequent courses in systemic and oral pathology. Additional areas covered include environmental and nutritional diseases, genetic disorders, infectious diseases, and diseases of infancy and childhood.
Course Component

OP 7292 Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology I 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: By permission. Interpret and analyze disease backgrounds, clinical manifestations, histological features, diagnostics approaches, prognostic indicators, and treatment modalities for both oral and systemic conditions in a flipped classroom model. (SP II)
Course Component

OP 7293 Systemic Pathology for Dental Students 3 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Systemic approach to diseases focusing on the following organ systems: cardiovascular, renal, endocrine, respiratory, gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, genitourinary, musculoskeletal, hematologic, genetic, and nervous system diseases. Abnormalities or hemostasis, and disorders of the immune system are also covered.
Course Component

OP 8292 Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology II 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: OP 7192. Delve deeper into honing expertise in interpreting and analyzing various disease classifications exploring their origins, clinical presentations, histological characteristics, diagnostic methods, prognostic markers, and therapeutic options for oral and systemic ailments. ( SU III)
Course Component

OP 8990 Special Studies 1-23 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Special topics
Course Component

OPDT 7192 Operative Dentistry I - Preclinical Theory 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: DMS 7191 & OCCL 7125 The theory of cavity preparation, instrumentation, principles of operative dentistry techniques, and the selection, manipulation, and utilization of various restorative materials.
Course Component

OPDT 7292 Preclinical Operative Dentistry II 0-2 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Yearlong course: Enrollment with zero hours in summer term and 2.0 credit hours in fall term. Advanced didactic and laboratory instruction in operative dentistry, including new dental materials, complex restorations, alternative uses of materials, plus principles and techniques concerning direct filling gold.
Course Component

OPDT 7293 Operative Dentistry I Laboratory Course 3 hrs.
Prerequisites: None This is a simulation laboratory course that teaches the application of the theory presented in the Operative Dentistry I Preclinical Theory Course, involving: cavity preparation; instrumentation; principles of operative dentistry techniques; and the selection, manipulation, and utilization of various restorative materials. (Spring I)
Course Component

OPDT 7391 Operative Clinic I 1 hrs.
Application of principles and procedures learned in 8451 and 8452 to clinic patients, e.g., simple operative procedures on patients for whom the student must make an appropriate diagnosis, develop a plan of treatment, and subsequently carry out the treatment.
Course Component

OPDT 7491 Operative Dentistry II Preclinical Theory 0-1 hrs.
Prerequisites: OPDT 7192/OPDT 7293 or by permission May be repeated; maximum credit 1 hours. Preclinical Operative Dentistry Didactic Courses are designed to prepare students to render operative clinical treatment for their patients. Fundamental principles of operative dentistry will be reviewed and expanded upon in this course. New dental materials and restorative techniques will be introduced in a lecture format. (Summer & Fall II - 8 weeks in Summer/8 weeks in Fall)
Course Component

OPDT 7591 Operative Dentistry II Preclinical Laboratory 0-1 hrs.
Prerequisites: OPDT 7192/OPDT 7293 or by permission. May be repeated; maximum credit 1 hours. Preclinical Operative Dentistry Laboratory Courses are designed to prepare students to render operative clinical treatment for their patients. Fundamental principles of operative dentistry will be reviewed and expanded upon in this course. New dental materials and restorative techniques will be introduced in a laboratory setting. (Summer & Fall II - 8 weeks in Summer/8 weeks in Fall)
Course Component

OPDT 8193 Operative Dentistry Clinic II 0-3 hrs.
Prerequisites: OPDT 7192, OPDT 7293, OPDT 7292, OPDT 7391 (Preclinical Operative I and II, Clinical Operative I) May be repeated; maximum credit 3 hours. Yearlong course A continuation of Operative Clinic I (OPDT 7391) with the management of increasingly complex cases and the expectation of increasing competency.
Course Component

OPDT 8990 Special Studies 0-6 hrs.
Prerequisites: Topics of special nature or of unusual interest to the individual student.
Course Component

ORTH 5502 Principles And Practice Of Orthodontics 2 hrs.
Trace the history of orthodontics, its early development as an art and science. The basic problems associated with the establishment of orthodontic diagnosis, various theories of etiology of malocclusion, early treatment vs. late treatment, various treatment mechanics and their critical evaluation.
Course Component

ORTH 5522 Developmental And Educational Psychology In Orthodontics 2 hrs.
The study and application of pertinent concepts and principles in developmental and educational psychology, concentrating in behavior modification, stage theory, cognitive theory and contemporary approaches to patient care as observed from infancy through adolescence in particular but with a "life span" orientation for all aged patients seeking orthodontic care.
Course Component

ORTH 5531 Orthodontic Techniques 1 hrs.
Comprehensive laboratory skills in wire bending, soldering, model trimming and manipulation of self-curing resins will be demonstrated. The student will perform various exercises to acquire the required skills.
Course Component

ORTH 5532 Orthodontic Mgt Of Patients W/Cleft Lip/Palate/Other Anomalies 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Deals with diagnosis and treatment of patients with cleft lip and palate and other craniofacial anomalies. These anomalies have a strong impact on the development of teeth, dental occlusion and harmony in the craniofacial complex. The course will relate to the management of these various problems and the multidisciplinary approach required to achieve optimum esthetic and functional results. This course is given over a year period of time, but the student receives credit for it in the second semester of the course. Year long course.
Course Component

ORTH 5541 Materials Science For The Dental Specialties 1 hrs.
Properties and structures of various cements, metals and alloys used in clinical orthodontics.
Course Component

ORTH 5551 Advanced Orthdodontic Techniques 1 hrs.
The more advanced techniques of patient banding and treatment of malocclusion will be demonstrated. The student will perform these skills utilizing a typodont in preparation for treatment of patients.
Course Component

ORTH 5561 Articulation And Occlusion 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Provides a basic understanding and philosophy in the subject of occlusion and the physiology of the stomatognathic system. It includes the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular disorders.
Course Component

ORTH 5581 Roentgenographic Cephalometry 1 hrs.
Principles of cephalometric roentgenography. Method of tracing and analyzing the radiographs, calculation and estimation of errors in this radiographic technique. Cephalometric analyses will be discussed.
Course Component

ORTH 5701 Craniofacial Growth 1 hrs.
The mechanisms, principles and regulations of human craniofacial complex and the factors influencing physical growth and development. Methods for evaluating dental, skeletal and other determinants of physiologic age will be integrated with the assessment of growth changes from serial cephalometric radiographs.
Course Component

ORTH 5711 Community Research Methods 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None The course presents methodological issues important to clinical research of importance are formulation of a research question, methods of analyzing the data, data collection, and submission of a protocol for research. Also to be covered are statistical methods of analyzing for various data to include parametric and non-parametric methods of analysis, frequency data, simple linear regression and correlation. The course is offered during the first years of graduate study for the orthodontic graduate students. We require this course be offered prior to the student's enrollment in ORTH 5980 since it provides fundamental principles of research. One credit hour over 16 weeks is adequate for this.
Course Component

ORTH 5731 Preventive Periodontics 1 hrs.
Factors affecting periodontal health with special emphasis on the role of malocclusions will be studied. Development of occlusal disharmonies and periodontal health. The periodontal pathology in hyper and hypoocclusion and methods of promoting oral hygiene and oral health will be discussed. The course will include discussion of orthodontic appliances, adjunctive to periodontal treatment.
Course Component

ORTH 5732 Biomechanics & The Biology of Tooth Movement 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Histological and biophysical aspects of orthodontics. Biological mechanical and engineering principles applicable to orthodontic appliances will be discussed.
Course Component

ORTH 5741 Advanced Studies In Oral Diagnosis/Oral Medicine 1 hrs.
Complex multidisciplinary problems in oral diagnosis, role of general factors in relation to dental disease and interaction between the different dental specialties will be discussed. The role of dental radiography in diagnosis and treatment of orthodontic problems with emphasis on radiation hygiene will be discussed.
Course Component

ORTH 5761 Etiology, Genetics And Care Of The Exceptional Patient 1 hrs.
The orthodontist's role in caring for the handicapped child. The course covers assessment of the value of the team approach in caring for handicapped children and recognition of the genetic, medical, dental and psychosocial problems of families with handicapped children.
Course Component

ORTH 5771 Graduate Practice Administration 1 hrs.
Organization of practice, recruitment and selection of auxiliary personnel, orientation and training auxiliary personnel. Planning and decision making concerning a practice and organization and/or planning facility design in selection of equipment.
Course Component

ORTH 5801 Advanced Oral Histology And Pathology 1 hrs.
The objective of this course is to build on the preexisting base of knowledge in the area of pathology, oral pathology and histology. The course will be directed at preparing the student for both clinical application of pathologic data and the use of pathologic data as a research tool. Both preexisting study sets and daily accessioned material in the oral pathology lab will be used in the teaching program.
Course Component

ORTH 5940 Clinical Practice 1-14 hrs.
Prerequisites: None May be repeated; maximum credit 14 hours. The clinical practice utilizes approximately 50% of the graduate orthodontics curriculum time. The student is assigned about 40 patients presenting a variety of malocclusion. Each patient receives a diagnostic work-up and a complete analysis of the problem in a faculty/student conference. The student is encouraged to utilize a range of diagnostic procedures and develop a treatment plan.
Course Component

ORTH 5950 Research Methods In Dentistry 1-4 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. May be repeated with change of subject matter; maximum credit 4 hours. Introduction to research principles and practices on a designed research problem.
Course Component
Independent Study

ORTH 5960 Directed Readings In Dentistry 1-4 hrs.
May be repeated with change in subject matter; maximum credit four hours. Discussion and reports on assigned readings relative to different divisions in orthodontics.
Course Component

ORTH 5970 Research Methods in Dentistry 1-2 hrs.
Prerequisites: None May be repeated; maximum credit 8 hours. The course presents methodological issues important to clinical research of importance are formulation of a research question, methods of analyzing the data, data collection, and submission of a protocol for research. Also to be covered are statistical methods of analysis for various data to include parametric and non-parametric methods of analysis, frequency data, simple linear regression and correlation.
Course Component

ORTH 5980 Research For Master's Thesis 1-2 hrs.
Prerequisites: None May be repeated; maximum credit 11 hours. The student completes an original individual research project which must be defended successfully as a requirement for the master's degree. It will encompass a critical review of literature, statement of the problem, methods and materials, results and conclusions.
Course Component
Independent Study

ORTH 5990 Special Studies In Dentistry 1-4 hrs.
Prerequisites: Appropriate basic courses in orthodontics, permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit 8 hours. Qualified students may work independently on topics of special interest. Individualized discussions, guided readings and laboratory included.
Course Component
Independent Study

ORTH 7191 Dentofacial Growth & Development 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None May be repeated; maximum credit 2 hours. Introduction to dentofacial growth and development; development of the dentitions and speech; dentofacial development of patients with cleft lip/cleft palate and introduction to management of patients with cleft lip/cleft palate; introduction to orthodontic cephalometrics; comparisons of dental and chronologic age and maturity indicators.
Course Component

ORTH 7225 Developmental Dentistry Orthodontics 2.5 hrs.
Fundamentals of fabrication of orthodontic appliances, including the various manipulative components plus application of appliances to typodonts for comprehension.
Course Component

ORTH 7391 Orthodontic Diagnosis 1 hrs.
Principles in collection of diagnostic information including dental and health history, clinical and radiographic examinations, orthodontic study models, photographs, and cephalometric and cast evaluations. Analysis of this data base and preparation of a treatment plan using the proper procedures and protocol.
Course Component

ORTH 8191 Orthodontics Lectures I 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Basics of etiologic factors, diagnosis and prevention/interception of malocclusions with special attention to primary and mixed dentition periods.
Course Component

ORTH 8291 Clinical Orthodontics I 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Applying diagnostic, preventive, and treatment principles to patients in coordination with clinical course in pediatric dentistry.
Course Component

ORTH 8391 Orthodontics Lectures II 1 hrs.
Principles of Orthodontic practice, e.g., biomechanics, anchorage, tissue response, appliance fabrication, and application of appliances to clinical situations.
Course Component

ORTH 8491 Clinical Orthodontics II 1 hrs.
A continuation of 9652 supervision of the developing dentition, observation of developmental changes, and implementation of preventive and interceptive procedures.
Course Component

ORTH 8990 Special Studies 0-6 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Special topics
Course Component

ORTH 9105 Clinical Orthodontics IV 0.5 hrs.
A continuation of 9652, 9654, and 9655, with greater independence expected plus improved clinical judgment; opportunities to review results of treatment.
Course Component

ORTH 9205 Clinical Orthodontics V 0.5 hrs.
A continuation of 9652, 9654, 9655, and 9657. Complete independence and sound clinical judgement are expected; case report based on student's experience with a patient.
Course Component

ORTH 9305 Clinical Orthodontics III 0.5 hrs.
Prerequisite: None A continuation of ORTH 8291 and ORTH 8491. Increasing experience in the diagnosis and treatment of simple orthodontic problems with special attention to adult patients requiring preprosthetic therapy.
Course Component

OS 7192 Comprehensive Control of Pain and Anxiety 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Introduction to the drugs/agents and techniques used in the control of patients' pain and anxiety. Includes local or regional anesthesia, conscious sedation with inhalation techniques and intravenous delivery. Pharmacological, physiological, psychological and anatomical considerations related to pain and anxiety control are reviewed.
Course Component

OS 7292 Principles of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery I 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: OS 7192 Designed to present the surgical principles involved in general practice dento-alveolar surgery including exodontia, treating basic infections, diagnosing, and referring patients for definitive care for large infections, cysts, and tumors. The course will present the surgical tenets necessary to be successful in the OMS teaching clinics. (Spring)
Course Component

OS 8205 Clinical Oral Surgery I 0.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Clinical application of basic instrumentation in extraction of teeth, removal of roots, and preparation of mouths for dentures, clinical use of local anesthetics and nitrous oxide analgesia.
Course Component

OS 8291 Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Discussion of office set up, medical emergency kits, staff training, and preparedness drills. Review of the patients medical history, completion of a physical exam for dentistry, determination of the patients ability to tolerate the dental treatment and determination of treatment modifications are necessary. Discussion of causes, predisposing factors, symptoms, physiology, treatment, and sequel of medical emergencies possible in the dental office.
Course Component

OS 8391 Principles of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery II 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: OS 7292 The course will provide an overview of the scope of the specialty of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and its sophisticated procedures. Including when and why to refer patients. The didactic content is concerned predominantly with hospital based Oral & Maxillofacial surgical procedures so that students may gain insight into the breath of the specialty. (Fall)
Course Component

OS 8405 Clinical Oral Surgery II 0.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Diagnosis and treatment of wide spectrum of dental emergencies, assist in the administration of intravenous and inhalation anesthetics and in the removal of impacted teeth.
Course Component

OS 8591 Hospital Clerkship 1 hrs.
Observing and assisting in Oklahoma teaching hospitals to become familiar with hospital protocol and procedures and the management of medically compromised patients.
Course Component

OS 8990 Special Studies 0-6 hrs.
Prerequisites: None May be repeated with change of subject matter. Topics of special nature or of unusual interest to the individual student.
Course Component

OS 9205 Clinical Oral Surgery III 0.5 hrs.
A continuation of 9604: management of more complex Oral Surgical problems with increasing independence; rotation through a busy hospital oral surgery clinic diagnosing and treating ambulatory patients with infections, tumors, salivary gland and tempero-mandibular joint diseases; includes hospital rounds, night calls, physical examinations and evaluation for surgery.
Course Component

OS 9305 Introduction to Surgical Implantology 0.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: OS 7292 & OS 8391 This course is designed to take students through a systematic process of learning the surgical components of implant dentistry to include basic surgical concepts, diagnosis, treatment planning, dental implant anatomy, and physiology of implant surgery. It is a multidisciplinary course that includes implant prosthodontics, periodontics, and oral and maxillofacial surgery. (Summer)
Course Component

PEDO 7192 Basic Pediatric Dentistry 2 hrs.
Introduction to basic restorative and preventive techniques on children. Includes lecture, preclinic technique, and clinical exposure to children.
Course Component

PEDO 8191 Applied Pediatric Dentistry I 1 hrs.
Detailed instruction in restorative procedures, pulpal therapy, child management, trauma and diagnosis.
Course Component

PEDO 8291 Clinical Pediatric Dentistry I 1 hrs.
The application of the knowledge and skills gained in Pedodontics 8752 to patients, including examination diagnosis treatment planning, preventive procedures, full range restorative services, arch-length maintenance and recall. Competency is expected to increase as the student progresses through this and subsequent courses.
Course Component

PEDO 8391 Applied Pediatric Dentistry II 1 hrs.
Physiologic effects, indications, and dosages of drugs used for young patients to modify behavior and to manage oral infections; the etiology of periodontal disease in children; complex treatment planning for children.
Course Component

PEDO 8491 Clinical Pediatric Dentistry II 1 hrs.
May be repeated; maximum credit 2 hours. A continuation of 9751.
Course Component

PEDO 8990 Special Studies 0-6 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Special topics
Course Component

PEDO 9105 Clinical Pediatric Dentistry III 0.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: None A continuation of PEDO 8491.
Course Component

PEDO 9191 Clinical Pediatric Dentistry IV 1 hrs.
A continuation of 9764. Increased independence and improved clinical judgment expected.
Course Component

PEDO 9205 Clinical Pediatric Dentistry V 0.5 hrs.
A continuation of 9766. Complete independence and sound clinical judgment expected.
Course Component

PEDO 9915 Practice Teaching in Pedodontic Lab 1.5 hrs.
Practice teaching pedodontics second year students preclinical laboratory instruction. Under the instruction of the regular course director, the students will assist the second year students in the pedodontics preclinical laboratory.
Course Component

PERI 5011 Advanced Periodontics 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: Instructor Permission. May be repeated; maximum credit 3 hours. This course presents the basic themes of management and treatment of periodontal diseases. Different aspects of periodontal therapy will be discussed and presented, including diagnosis, treatment planning, surgical and non-surgical treatment modalities, evaluation of therapeutic outcomes as well as interaction with other dental and medical specialities. (S I, II, III)
Course Component

PERI 5012 Clinical Pharmacotherapeutics 2 hrs.
May be repeated; maximum credit 2 hours. A clinically oriented course in pharmacology with emphasis on those drugs most commonly used in dentistry. The clinical aspects, mechanisms, interactions and contraindication of drugs taken by the dental patient are stressed.
Course Component

PERI 5101 Introduction to Periodontal Graduate Clinic 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: Instructor Permission. This course will introduce students to the Graduate Periodontal Clinic and it's guidelines. Students will learn infection control, HIPAA, patient examination and photography, diagnosis, basic instrumentation and completion of the patient electronic health record (EHR). (S, I)
Course Component

PERI 5102 Sedation & Medical Emergencies 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: Instructor Permission. This course will focus on the basic science, pharmacology, record keeping, administration and management of conscious sedation of patients in both a lecture and hands-on format. This course will also review medical emergencies in the dental office and how to manage them. (S I)
Course Component

PERI 5142 Classic Literature Review I 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: Instructor Permission. May be repeated; maximum credit 6 hours. Student will read, review, abstract and discuss assigned literature in periodontics in a seminar format. An in-depth review of classic literature, including study goals, methodology, results, conclusions and impact in periodontology must be discussed. May be repeated in the fall semester with a change in literature; maximum credit 6 hours. (F I, II, III)
Course Component

PERI 5152 Classic Literature Review II 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: Instructor Permission. May be repeated in the spring semester with a change in literature; maximum credit 6 hours. Students will read, review, abstract and discuss assigned literature in periodontics in a seminar format. An in-depth review of classic literature, including study goals, methodology, results, conclusions and impact in periodontology must be discussed. (Sp I, II, III)
Course Component

PERI 5171 Peridontics/Prosthodontics Seminar 1 hrs.
May be repeated; maximum credit 3 hours. A series of seminars with presentation and discussion of treatment planning cases by the graduate periodontic students. Cases requiring combined therapy will be the focus of these seminars.
Course Component

PERI 5341 Graduate Teaching I 1 hrs.
This course is designed to give the student teaching experience in both the clinical and lecture setting. Clinically, the student will direct, advise and evaluate the progress of the pre-doctoral students and their patients. He/she will also prepare and present assigned lectures to pre-doctoral students. May be repeated in spring semester with a change of subject matter; maximum credit 3 hours.
Course Component

PERI 5351 Graduate Teaching II 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: Instructor Permission. May be repeated with a change of subject matter; maximum credit 3 hours. The course gives the student continued teaching experience in the clinical and lecture setting. Clinically the student will direct, advise and evaluate progress of the pre-doctoral student. The student will also present assigned lectures over surgical topics. (Sp, II, III)
Course Component

PERI 5411 Current Literature Review I 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: Instructor Permission. May be repeated; maximum credit 3 hours. This seminar will focus on the most current literature of clinical topics being discussed and performed in the graduate periodontal clinic. Students will be required to read, provide an abstract and discuss assigned literature in periodontics and dental implants. (F, I, II, III)
Course Component

PERI 5421 Current Literature Review II 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: Instructor Permission. May be repeated in the spring semester with change in subject matter; maximum credit 3 hours. This seminar will focus on current literature in periodontics and associated areas. Students will evaluate assigned articles for context, study design, and contribution to the practice of periodontics. (Sp I, II, III)
Course Component

PERI 5611 Case Presentation Seminar I 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. May be repeated with change of subject matter; maximum credit 3 hours. Student presentation of documented cases and discussion of assigned topics of some specific areas in periodontics. The preparation and case presentation will comply to the current guidelines of the American Board of Periodontology.
Course Component

PERI 5621 Case Presentation II 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. May be repeated with change of subject matter; maximum credit 3 hours. The resident will document and submit a treated periodontal case. The preparation and case presentation will comply to the current guidelines of the American Board of Periodontology. The student will be required to discuss and defend all modalities of therapy related to his/her case.
Course Component

PERI 5630 Clinical Patient Care I 1-2 hrs.
Prerequisites: Instructor Permission. May be repeated; maximum credit 6 hours. This course involves clinical periodontal treatment of patients. The student will be able to conduct a thorough clinical examination involving periodontal analysis, diagnosis and treatment. This experience will included management of cases of various complexity; all treatment will be coordinated with faculty. (S I, II, III)
Course Component

PERI 5642 Clinical Patient Care II 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: Instructor Permission. May be repeated with a change of subject matter; maximum credit 6 hours. The diagnosis and management of the periodontal patient in the college of dentistry clinic. (F, I, II, III)
Course Component

PERI 5652 Clinical Patient Care III 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: Instructor Permission. May be repeated; maximum credit 6 hours This course involves clinical periodontal treatment of patients. The student will be able to conduct periodontal analysis, diagnosis and treatment. This experience will include management of cases of various complexity; all treatment will be coordinated with faculty. (Sp I, II, III)
Course Component

PERI 5801 Advanced Oral Histology And Pathology 1 hrs.
The objective of this course is to build on the preexisting base of knowledge in the area of pathology, oral pathology and histology. The course will be directed at preparing the student for both clinical application of pathologic data and the use of pathologic data as a research tool. Both preexisting study sets and daily accessioned material in the oral pathology lab will be used in the teaching program.
Course Component

PERI 5830 Implant Literature Seminar 1-2 hrs.
Prerequisites: Instructor Permission. May be repeated with change of content; maximum credit 6 hours. Seminar series on dental implantology covering the biologic, clinical and technical aspects of dental implant therapy being presented in lecture with demonstration, review of literature, discussion and participation. (F, Sp I, II, III)
Course Component

PERI 5960 Directed Readings 1-4 hrs.
May be repeated with change of content; maximum credit 4 hours. Discussion and reports on directed readings on selected topics in periodontics.
Course Component
Independent Study

PERI 5980 Research for Master's Thesis 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: PERI 5011, PERI 5101, BSE 5163, CTS 5143. May be repeated; maximum credit 12 hours. This course will focus on the development and implementation of a master's thesis research topic, completing this project during the second or third year of the program. A Master's thesis is the product of individual research that may be original in the field and must be original with the student. (F, Sp, S II III)
Course Component
Independent Study

PERI 5990 Special Studies 1-6 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. May be repeated with change of subject material, maximum credit 6 hours. An opportunity for qualified students to pursue an independent investigation or an interest in a special topic.
Course Component

PERI 7192 Preventive Dentistry 2 hrs.
Introduction to dental plaque and its relation to dental diseases, including basics of health history, oral examination, techniques of plaque disclosure, plaque computation and removal and methods of home care.
Course Component

PERI 7194 Preventive Dentistry 4 hrs.
Prerequisites: DS1 PERI 7194 is a theoretical and clinical course designed to introduce basic concepts of preventive dentistry and oral prophy laxis. Students are introduced to basic clinical procedures including infections control, periodontal assessment and plaque control. This is followed by instruction in instrument recognition and instrumentation technique for oral prophy laxis.
Course Component

PERI 7292 Oral Prophylaxis Technique 2 hrs.
Basic techniques of instrumentation used in the removal of accretions and stains from tooth surfaces.
Course Component

PERI 7305 Oral Prophylaxis Clinical 0.5 hrs.
Application of the principles and techniques of prevention and oral prophylaxis learned in the preceding semester to adult patients.
Course Component

PERI 7491 Periodontics I 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None The course is designed to introduce the basic concepts and features of normal periodontium, disease classification, etiology, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment of periodontal diseases and evaluation of treatment outcomes. Students will actively participate, think and develop decision-making skills for the diagnosis and management of common forms of periodontal diseases. (Spring DS2 Year)
Course Component

PERI 7591 Patient Contact Periodontics I 1 hrs.
Clinical application of principles of examination, collection of diagnostic information, prevention and periodontal therapy, including root planning, scaling, oral hygiene instruction, occlusal therapy, and presurgical reevaluation.
Course Component

PERI 7592 Clinical Periodontics I 0-2 hrs.
Prerequisites: DS2 May be repeated; maximum credit 2 hours. Year Long Course Clinical application of principles of examination, date collection, diagnosis, treatment planning, and the provision of periodontal treatment including scaling and root planing, disease prevention and health promotion, occlusal therapy, evaluation of results, and specialist referral.
Course Component

PERI 7691 Patient Contact Periodontics II 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Clinical application of principles of examination, collection of diagnostic information, prevention and periodontal therapy, including root planning, scaling, oral hygiene instruction, occlusal therapy, and presurgical reevaluation.
Course Component

PERI 8105 Periodontics II 0.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: None The course continues building concepts and features of normal periodontium, classification, etiology, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment of diseases and evaluation of outcomes. This course begins the correlation of clinical applications to the findings. Students will participate and develop decision-making skills for the diagnosis and management of common forms of periodontal diseases. (Summer III)
Course Component

PERI 8191 Periodontics III 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None This is a didactic course designed to introduce the basic and initial concepts and features of evaluation of initial therapy, when to refer and when to maintain, and basic concepts for periodontal and dental implant surgeries as well as restorative interrelationships and multidisciplinary approach to periodontal and dental treatment planning. (Spring DS3 Year)
Course Component

PERI 8291 Clinical Periodontics I 1 hrs.
Management of patients with periodontal disease, including examination, diagnosis, treatment planning, and a broad range of periodontal therapy with an emphasis on surgical procedures.
Course Component

PERI 8292 Clinical Periodontics II 0-2 hrs.
Prerequisites: DS3 May be repeated; maximum credit 2 hours. Year Long Course Further and more advanced clinical experiences in examination, data collections, diagnosis, treatment planning, and the provision of periodontal treatment including scaling and root planing, disease prevention and health promotion, occlusal therapy, evaluation of results, and specialist referral.
Course Component

PERI 8391 Clinical Periodontics II 1 hrs.
Continuation of 9802, with continuing emphasis on surgical procedures.
Course Component

PERI 8990 Special Studies 0-6 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Special topics
Course Component

PERI 9105 Periodontics IV 0.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: None This course introduces basic concepts of patient evaluations for dental implants. The student will be exposed to the diagnosis and treatment planning of an implant patient, as well as pre-implant site preparation. The student will learn about more advanced implant techniques and procedures, and implant troubleshooting. (Summer IV)
Course Component

PERI 9992 Introduction to Teaching of Clinical Periodontics 2 hrs.
Students gain experience in teaching first year dental students periodontical instrumentation.
Course Component

PHARMD 7194 Pharmacology and Therapeutics for Dentistry 4 hrs.
Prerequisites: None This course includes basic pharmacologic principles that apply to all medications. Pharmacology of major classes of medications used to treat the most commonly encountered disease states for ambulatory patients will be highlighted. Medications used in dental practice will received special emphasis.
Course Component

PHARMD 8191 Special Subjects in Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: PHARMD 7194: Pharmacology and Therapeutics for Dentistry This course focuses on applied therapeutics of agents commonly encountered in dental practice. It includes a series of selected topics that build upon basic pharmacologic principles. Topics encompass the spectrum of medication use in dentistry including appropriate prescribing, considerations in special populations, peri-procedural management, adverse drug events, and drug abuse.
Course Component

PHARMD 8990 Special Studies 0-4 hrs.
Prerequisites: None May be repeated; maximum credit 4 hours. Special topics
Course Component

PHYOD 7196 Human Physiology 6 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Functions of the major organ systems, including the cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, gastrointestinal, endocrine, muscle, nervous, as well as the oral cavity.
Course Component

PHYOD 8990 Special Studies 1-6 hrs.
Topics of special nature or of unusual interest to the individual. May be repeated with change of subject matter.
Course Component

RD 7105 Alginate Impressions and Study Cast Fabrication 0.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: None This course will introduce the techniques for the acquisition of accurate dental impression with irreversible hydrocolloid impression material (i.e. dental alginate). The student will also learn to pour the impressions in an acceptable dental stone and trim the resulting casts for use in the diagnosis and treatment planning of their patient.
Course Component

RD 7205 Digital Dental Technology I 0.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: RD 7105 Digital Dental Technology I introduces technologies such as optical impressions, computer-aided design, and computer aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM). Students will gain understanding of digital dental applications and how to integrate them into diagnosing and treating patients through discussions of indications, contraindications, advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of digital dentistry versus conventional techniques.
Course Component

RD 8191 Restorative Lectures I 1 hrs.
Advanced course in restorative dentistry dealing with special clinical problems and alternate techniques.
Course Component

RD 8291 Restorative Lectures II 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None Concerning special clinical problems and alternate techniques.
Course Component

RD 8320 Digital Dental Technology II 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: FPRO 7205 Digital Dental Technology II develops students' knowledge of how computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) are being used in a dental practice including, virtual treatment planning, in-house milling, 3D printing, fabrication and delivery of bonded all-ceramic restorations.
Course Component

RD 8990 Special Studies 0-6 hrs.
Topics of special nature or of unusual interest to the individual student. May be repeated with change of subject matter.
Course Component

RD 9265 Comprehensive Care 1-12 hrs.
Prerequisites: DS IV Standing May be repeated; maximum credit 30 hours. Introduces students to fundamentals of comprehensive dental care and provides extensive experience in comprehensive clinical care. Covers Oral Diagnosis, Occlusion, Fixed Prosthodontics, Operative Dentistry, Periodontics, and Removable Prosthodontics to understand complex treatment planning and sequencing and to learn more in-depth dental procedures for delivery of dental care.
Course Component

RP 7125 Removable Prosthodontics 2.5 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. RP 7125 is a preclinical introduction to complete denture prosthodontics. The students learn to diagnose and treatment plan uncomplicated edentulous patients. Students simulate the process of fabricating a complete denture in the laboratory. Lecture: 18.5 hours Laboratory: 44.5 hours Total: 63 hours
Course Component

RP 7392 Removable Partial Prosthodontics 2 hrs.
Prerequisites: DSII Standing RP 7392 is a lecture and laboratory introduction to removable partial denture prosthodontics. The students learn to diagnose, treatment plan, survey, and design removable partial dentures. Lecture: 19 hours Laboratory: 34 hours Total 53 hours
Course Component

RP 8191 Immediate Dentures 1 hrs.
Prerequisites: RP 7125 and RP 7392 May be repeated; maximum credit 1 hours. Teach students diagnosis and treatment planning for surgical procedures and immediate denture fabrication for patients losing their natural teeth; clinical procedures and lab techniques necessary to fabricate immediate dentures over dentures; clinical procedures for removal of teeth and placement of immediate dentures; and post placement care for immediate dentures.
Course Component

RP 8291 Clinical Removable Prosthodontics 0-1 hrs.
Prerequisites: DSIII Standing May be repeated; maximum credit 1 hours. Yearlong Course Students treat patients that require replacement of some or all teeth with a removable prosthesis. This includes a removable partial denture or a complete denture.
Course Component

RP 8990 Special Studies 0-6 hrs.
Topics of special nature or of unusual interest to the individual. May be repeated with change of subject matter.
Course Component