Interdisciplinary Leadership in Healthcare
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: Admissions to OU Health Sciences Campus.
Cross Listed: DH 3003; NURS 3003; AHS 3003
This course reviews cultural humility and interprofessional competence in health care. It provides the opportunity to learn how interprofessional health professionals can utilize cultural humility to address health disparities among an increasingly diverse population while providing the highest quality of care. (F, Sp, Su, Int III, IV)
Course may not fulfil the Upper-Division General Education Req.
Course Component
Pharmacy Capstone Seminar
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of P-1 coursework and approval by the dean to be enrolled in the B.S. in Pharmacy Systems degree program.
This seminar course focuses on the development of advanced analytical skills through the critical evaluation of scientific literature in the investigation of a pharmacy practice or pharmacy system issue, preparation of a scholarly paper, and delivery of an oral presentation of this work.
Course Component
Independent Study
Adult Medicine I Practicum
4 hrs.
May be repeated; maximum credit 16 hours.
Supervised clinical practice experience involving the analysis of pharmacotherapeutic and pharmacokinetic applications, evaluation of drug utilization, and synthesis of rational drug regimens in the context of adult medicine.
Course Component
Community Pharmacy Practicum
4 hrs.
May be repeated; maximum credit 16 hours.
Supervised clinical practice experience in community pharmacy with emphasis on the distributive and managerial aspects of pharmaceutical care.
Course Component
History of Pharmacy
2 hrs.
Background and development of pharmacy, the contribution of pharmacy to drug knowledge, and its evolution from ancient times to the present.
Course Component
Adult Medicine II Practicum
4 hrs.
May be repeated; maximum credit 16 hours.
Continuation of PHAR 7004 Adult Medicine I.
Course Component
Hospital Pharmacy Practicum
4 hrs.
May be repeated; maximum credit 16 hours.
Supervised clinical practice experience in hospital pharmacy with emphasis on the distributive and managerial aspects of pharmaceutical care.
Course Component
Ambulatory Care Practicum
4 hrs.
May be repeated; maximum credit 8 hours.
Supervised clinical practice experience involving the analysis of Pharmacotherapeutic and Pharmacokinetic applications. Evaluation of drug utilization, and synthesis of rational drug regimens in the context of ambulatory care.
Course Component
Ambulatory Care Practicum II
4 hrs.
Prerequisites: Completion of all P1 through P3 year didactic course requirements.
May be repeated; maximum credit 16 hours.
Supervised clinical practice experience involving the analysis of Pharmacotherapeutics and Pharmacokinetic applications, evaluation of drug utilization, and synthesis of rational drug regimens in the context of ambulatory care. (Fall, Spring, & Summer IV)
Course Component
Oral/Written Presentation Skills in the Social & Administrative Pharmaceutical Sciences
1 hrs.
Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor
May be repeated; maximum credit 2 hours.
The course will provide training in the comprehensive and presentation of cutting-edge primary literature in the field of social & administrative pharmaceutical sciences, which include, but are not limited to applications in/of sociology, psychology, management, marketing, economics, finances, epidemiology, and public health: and at the same time in developing scientific literature evaluation and general writing skills.
Course Component
Critical Care Practicum
4 hrs.
May be repeated; maximum credit 4 hours.
Supervised clinical practice experience involving the analysis of pharmacotherapeutic and pharmacokinetic applications, evaluation of drug utilization, and synthesis of rational drug regimens in the context of critical care.
Course Component
Drug Information Practicum
4 hrs.
May be repeated; maximum credit 16 hours.
Supervised practice experience involving the efficient utilization, critical evaluation and application of drug literature in the clinical setting. The student will also gain experience in verbal and written communication skills by answering drug information questions.
Course Component
Clinical Nutrition Practicum
4 hrs.
May be repeated; maximum credit 4 hours.
Supervised practice experience involving nutritional assessment, evaluation, and monitoring of patients requiring oral, enteral, and/or intravenous nutritional support.
Course Component
Pediatrics Practicum
4 hrs.
May be repeated; maximum credit 4 hours.
Supervised clinical practice experience involving the analysis of pharmacotherapeutic and pharmacokinetic applications, evaluation of drug utilization, and synthesis of rational drug regimens in the context of pediatrics.
Course Component
Pharmacokinetics Practicum
4 hrs.
May be repeated; maximum credit 4 hours.
Supervised practice in the collection, evaluation, and application of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics data in the clinical setting.
Course Component
Psychiatry Practicum
4 hrs.
May be repeated; maximum credit 4 hours.
Supervised clinical practice experience involving the analysis of pharmacotherapeutic and pharmacokinetic applications, evaluations of drug utilization, and synthesis of rational drug regimens in the context of psychiatry.
Course Component
Research Practicum
4 hrs.
Prerequisites: None
May be repeated; maximum credit 8 hours.
Supervised clinical research experience in areas such as the pharmacotherapeutic and pharmacokinetic applications, evaluation of drug utilization, or development of rational drug regimens under the direction of the student's Pharm.D. program advisor.
Course Component
Elective-Non Patient Care Practicum
4 hrs.
Prerequisites: Completion of all P1 through P3 year didactic course requirements.
May be repeated; maximum credit 8 hours.
Elective pharmacy practice experience in a non-patient care setting for exploration of areas of professional interest. (Fall, Spring, & Summer IV)
Course Component
Alternative Medicine
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: P-3 professional standing. An introduction to the different types of complementary and alternative medicine with an emphasis on their basic philosophies and procedures as compared to those of conventional medicine and pharmacy.
Course Component
Introductory Biochemistry
4 hrs.
Prerequisites: None
An introduction to biochemistry for students in the health related professions. The chemistry of biological materials (proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates), enzymes, metabolism, nutrition, and selected topics of specific interest.
Course Component
Pharmaceutical Mathematics
2 hrs.
Calculations applicable to the practice of pharmacy; prescription format and interpretation; metric and common systems of measure and conversions; dosages; density and specific gravity; percentages; ratio strength; milliequivalents and millimols; reduction and enlargement of formulas; dilution and concentration.
Course Component
Pharmacy Practice I
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: P-1 professional standing. An introduction to pharmacy practice, including exposure to and participation in different types of practice and settings. This first course with direct instruction by experienced preceptors increases the student's awareness of the pharmacist's roles and responsibilities in health care delivery. The course will provide basis information regarding implementation of pharmaceutical care, pharmacy laws, pharmaceutical career information and knowledge of the components of drug delivery systems. PHAR 7122 is a required two credit hour professional course.
Course Component
Pharmacy Practice II
4 hrs.
Prerequisites: P-1 professional standing. An introduction to pharmacy practice, including exposure to and participation in different types of practice and settings. This second course with direct instruction by experienced preceptors increases the student's awareness of the pharmacist's roles and responsibiliteis in health care delivery. The course will provide basic information regarding implementation of pharmaceutical care, pharmacy laws, pharmaceutical career information and knowledge of the components of drug delivery systems. PHAR 7124 is a required four credit hour professional course.
Course Component
Principles of Drug Action I
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: Good standing as a P-1 Student
Introduction to the chemical and biological principles involved in the development and use of drugs in evidenced-based medicine including the following topics: drug nomenclature; physicochemical properties of drugs; characteristics of natural drug products; principles of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics; mechanisms of action of pharmacotherapeutic and chemotherapeutic agents and pharmacogenetics.
Course Component
Introduction to Mentoring
1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None
This year-long course explores the essential skills required to be an effective mentor and leader and provides guidance and practical experience on developing these skills. Upper division students are assigned a first year student and are charged with acting as their mentor.
Course Component
Leadership in Pharmacy
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: None
This course is designed to provide students a foundation in leadership while allowing each student the opportunity to engage in self discovery and reflection through a variety of "hands on" experiences. The course will utilize extensive classroom discussion, guest speakers and leadership projects in an attempt to develop student leadership skills.
Course Component
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
3 hrs.
Recent developments in the synthesis, structure, and function of biologically active peptides and their relationship to the treatment of disease in man.
Course Component
Drug Study Design
2 hrs.
Design and conduct of clinical drug trials: protocol preparation; randomization; sample size; trial monitoring; ethical issues; and data analysis.
Course Component
Pharmaceutical Immunology
3 hrs.
Principles of Immunology as applied to drug development and utilization with emphasis on immunotherapeutic agents.
Course Component
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the P-2 professional curriculum and good standing as a P-3 student
Theory and application of common statistical tests.
Course Component
Pharmacy Practice III
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the P-1 professional curriculum and good standing as a P-2 student. The pharmacy practice course provides professional students with direct instruction by experienced pharmacy practitioners in their practice sites in parallel with didactic instruction about professional practice issue to increase the student's awareness of the pharmacist's role and responsibilities in health care delivery.
Course Component
Pharmacy Practice IV
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: P-1 Year Second practicum course with direct instruction by an experienced preceptor to increase the student's awareness of the pharmacist's roles and responsibilities in health care delivery.
Course Component
Leadership in Pharmacy II
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: Leadership in Pharmacy I
This course is designed to build upon the principles presented in the Leadership in Pharmacy I course. This course is designed to provide students a foundation in team building, leading a team, advocacy and organizational dynamics while allowing each student the opportunity to engage in leadership projects through a variety of "hands on" experiences.
Course Component
Pharmaceutical Compounding
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: Pharmacy Student Boot Camp sponsored by Professional Compounding Center of America This course is designed to reinforce and develop concepts regarding use of pharmaceutical compounding in delivering pharmaceutical care.
Course Component
Pharmacy Practice V
0-3 hrs.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the P-2 professional curriculum and good standing as a P-3 student.
May be repeated; maximum credit 3 hours.
Year-long Course
This course provides professional students with direct instruction by experienced pharmacy practitioners in their practice sites in parallel with didactic instruction and simulated applications of knowledge and skills in community and institutional pharmacy practice with a focus on integration of patient care skills into contemporary practice. (Summer, Fall P-3)
Course Component
Drug and Alcohol Addiction Education in the Health Professions
1 hrs.
This course is designed for the advanced pharmacy student to provide them with knowledge and make them aware of the risks of alcohol and drug addicition to their professional careers, to their families, and or to their friends. Prior enrollment in the University of Utah School on Alcoholism and Drug Dependency may be advantageous.
Course Component
Pharmacy Practice VI
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: Good standing as a P-3 student
This course provides professional student with direct instruction by experienced pharmacy practitioners in their practice sites in parallel with didactic instruction and simulated applications of knowledge and skills in community and institutional pharmacy practice with a focus on integration of patient care skills into contemporary practice
Course Component
Radionuclide Methodology
4 hrs.
Prerequisites: P-2 or P-3 Professional Standing or with Permission from Instructor
Cross Listed: PHSC 5324
Principles of Radioactive Tracer Methodology used in health research. Basic radiation physics, radionuclide calculations, interactions of radiation with matter, methods of radiation detection, and determination of experimental design; radiological safety and application of radionuclides to research.
Course Component
Nuclear Pharmacy
4 hrs.
Prerequisites: P-2 or P-3 Professional Standing or with Permission from Instructor
Cross Listed: PHSC 5334
Introduction to the field of Nuclear Pharmacy. Topics include radiopharmaceutical quality control, stability and labeling techniques. Laboratory included.
Course Component
Pediatric Pharmacy Exploration
1 hrs.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of P1 year coursework. This course will introduce students to foundational topics essential for caring for pediatric patients in the community and acute care settings. In addition, it will provide students with exposure to the role of the pharmacist in caring for pediatric patients and expose them to potential career paths in pediatrics. (F II, III)
Course Component
Current Therapeutic Agents
2 hrs.
May be repeated; maximum credit 2 hours.
Current developments in Pharmacology from a clinical standpoint.
Course Component
Principles of Drug Action II
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: Good academic standing as a P-1 student.
Continuation of PHAR 7133 illustrating the chemical and biological principles of drug action with the autocoids as well as drugs acting on the automomic and central nervous systems.
Course Component
Anti-Infective Therapy
3 hrs.
Basic Pharmacological principles to the development of optimal antimicrobial drug therapy and in-depth discussion of antimicrobial agents commonly employed in clinical practice. Students will develop skills in assessing rational and appropriate therapy as opposed to inappropriate therapy.
Course Component
Summer Symposium of Leadership
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: None
This course designed to provide students a foundation in leadership by allowing each student the opportunity to improve self-awareness, individual development, effective teamwork, change in organizations, life harmony, and relationships, Interactive activities and assessment tools will aid in analysis of strengths, personality styles, group dynamics, organizational behavior, mindfulness, and networking.
Course Component
6 hrs.
Fundamental systematic approach to understanding of normal human structure and functions. Circulation, digestion, endocrine and nervous control, metabolism, muscle action, and respiration are emphasized.
Course Component
Leadership in Action I
1 hrs.
Prerequisites: PHAR 7142, PHAR 7742, PHAR 7141, Concurrent enrollment in PHAR 7703
Yearlong Course
This course is designed to provide students a forum for practicing concepts learned in Leadership in Pharmacy I and II as well as building on those concepts in order to successfully lead a team through change. The course will utilize extensive case studies and classroom discussion in an attempt to develop student leadership skills.
Course Component
Leadership in Action II
1 hrs.
Prerequisites: PHAR 7142, PHAR 7742, PHAR 7141, PHAR 7461, PHAR 7703
Year-long course
This course is a continuation of Leadership in Action I with a focus on leading people through change. Students will be required to present a Capstone project incorporating concepts learned throughout the course series. Literature review will be an integral part of this course. The course will utilize extensive advanced case studies and classroom discussion in an attempt to further develop student leadership skills in their specific area of interest.
Course Component
Pediatric Medication Safety I
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: P-2 or P-3 students in good academic standing with instructor approval
This course will introduce the student to approaching a pediatric prescription and reviewing it for appropriateness. Students will review prescriptions written, propose resolution to problems identified, complete a drug information request, and communicate with physicians about prescription errors.
Course Component
Clinical Toxicology
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of all coursework in the P-1 and P-2 professional program.
This course presents the clinical toxicology of agents commonly ingested in overdoses, the proper management of toxic exposures, and how to find, evaluate, and use the toxicology literature to manage patients and answer poison-related questions from the public.
Course Component
Nonprescription Products and Self-Care Issues
3 hrs.
Prerequsites: Successful completion of second professional year; P-3 status. This course promotes appropriate patient assessment, triage, product selection, counseling, and monitoring skills and attitudes required of pharmacists acting as consultant, suppliers, and monitors of non-prescription drugs, nutritional supplements, herbal products, and home health care products.
Course Component
Pediatric Medication Safety II
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: P-3 students in good academic standing with instructor approval who have successfully complete PHAR 7502, Pediatric Medication Safety I.
This course will develop an advanced approach for review of pediatric prescriptions and medication profiles for therapeutic appropriateness. Students will review written prescriptions, propose resolutions to problems identified, complete a drug information request, and communicate with physicians about prescription errors.
Course Component
Pharmacy Practice and the Geriatric Patient
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: P-3 standing or permission. This course is designed to provide those skills necessary for pharmacists to improve the care of older people. Emphasis is placed on understanding the uniqueness of the older population and developing the knowledge and skills necessary to improve drug therapy outcomes and minimize risk associated with medication use.
Course Component
Advanced Diabetes Care
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: Completion of PHAR 7853 for pharmacy students; permission of program director for dietetic students
This elective course is designed to emphasize the integration of patholphysiology, pharmacology, behavior change, and therapeutic knowledge in the management of diabetes mellitus; to provide an introduction to clinical problem assessment of patients living with diabetes; to understand the therapeutic drug monitoring of diabetes pharmacotherapy and to discuss strategies on how to establish diabetes services in various pharmacy practice settings.
Course Component
Life with Diabetes Day Camp
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: P-3 student in good academic standing.
May be repeated; maximum credit 2 hours.
Students will work as a lay volunteer for children with type 1 diabetes in a day-camp setting, mentoring children with type 1 diabetes to become more independent and empowered to perform the activities prescribed by their healthcare providers. Students will gain an understanding of the day-to-day struggles and triumphs of people with diabetes, their caregivers, and other healthcare professionals working with the population as well as have the opportunity to interact and communicate with the children, their caregivers, and their healthcare providers. (Summer III)
Course Component
Life with Diabetes Overnight Camp
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: P3 students in good academic standing.
Students will volunteer at an overnight camp for children with type 1 diabetes, mentoring children to become more independent and empowered to manage their condition. Students will communicate and interact with other healthcare professionals engaged in childhood health mentoring such as nurses, dietitians, and other public health professionals. (Summer III)
Course Component
Introduction to Pediatric Pharmacotherapy
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: None
This course will introduce students to the unique needs of pediatric patients and prepare students to provide effective general pediatric pharmacotherapy.
Course Component
Pharmacotherapy Considerations in Pediatrics
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: P-2 or P-3 Standing and Instructor Permission.
Patient case discussions utilizing drug information retrieval and literature evaluation skills to identify relevant pathophysiologic concepts, propose rational pharmacotherapeutic decisions and discuss relevant patient case management issues.
Course Component
Community Health
1 hrs.
Prerequisites: P3 student in good academic standing
The course allows an exposure to community health promotion. Students promote health for adults participating in a weigh loss/chronic disease prevention program offered by Oklahoma City County Health Department. Students promote health in a structured community setting, cooperating with other health care professionals such as nurses, dietitians, other public health professionals.
Course Component
Pharmaceutics I
4 hrs.
Prerequisites: Admission to the College of Pharmacy and good standing as a P-1 Student.
Description and quantitation of physical and chemical principles associated with pharmaceutical formulations. Description and understanding of the various liquid semisolid and solid pharmaceutical dosage forms. Discussion of the drug product approval process. Discussion of patient counseling concerning drug delivery systems. Laboratory included.
Course Component
Pharmacy Advocacy
1 hrs.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of P1 year coursework.
This is an application-based course on professional pharmacy advocacy. Students will learn, present, discuss, engage in, and apply advocacy topics that are not covered in the core curriculum including, but not limited to, legislative processes, and communicating with legislators. (SP, II)
Course Component
Pharmaceutics II
4 hrs.
Prerequisites: Good Standing as a P-1 Student
Continuation of PHAR 7614. Laboratory included.
Course Component
Basic Pharmacokinetics
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: Good standing as a P-1 Student
Description and quantitation of factors affecting the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs. Development of appropriate dosage regimens and graphical analysis of drug concentration data sets. Bioequivalence and drug product testing. Drug analysis in biological matrix. Application of principles to clinical problems of drug use and patient counseling. To be offered in P-1 year.
Course Component
Clinical Pharmacy Practicum
4 hrs.
Prerequisites: Completion of all P1 through P3 year didactic course requirements.
May be repeated; maximum credit 16 hours.
Clinical Pharmacy Elective: Supervised clinical practice experience involving the analysis of pharmacotherapeutic and pharmacokinetic applications, evaluation of drug utilization, and synthesis of rational drug regimens in a patient care clinical area. (Fall, Spring, & Summer IV)
Course Component
Nuclear Pharmacy Patient Care Practicum
4 hrs.
Prerequisites: Enrollment in Nuclear Degree Option and completion of P1 through P3 coursework.
May be repeated; maximum credit 8 hours.
This course provides students opportunity to practice skills in pharmacist-provided patient care in nuclear medicine. The student will practice medication management in diagnostic imaging, and develop skills in the use of therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals. The rotation is based on two sets of objectives: Clinical Imaging Protocols and Case Reports. (Fall, Spring, & Summer IV)
Course Component
Elective-Patient Care Practicum
4 hrs.
Prerequisites: Completion of all P1 through P3 year didactic course requirements.
May be repeated; maximum credit 12 hours.
Supervised pharmacy practice experience in a patient care setting not meeting criteria for other practicum courses (i.e. community I, hospital I, ambulatory care I, adult medicine I, clinical pharmacy elective).
(Fall, Spring, & Summer IV)
Course Component
Pharmacy Business & Entrepreneurship
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: None
Superior patient care and implementation of clinical services are made possible by pharmacists who are skilled in management. Entrepreneurs must have diverse skill sets and be successful at several activities to be effective at innovating, catalyzing change, recognizing and seizing opportunities, providing value, bearing risk, and realizing benefits from efforts.
Course Component
Public Health and Health Policy
4 hrs.
Prerequisites: None
Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System and how it affects the practice of pharmacy, its comparison with other health care models, the financing of health care, and models for analyzing the economics of pharmaceuticals in health care. (Fall)
Course Component
Drug Information Systems
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: Good standing as a P-1 Student
Orientation to current drug information systems, appropriate search strategies, and communication of drug information to patients and other health care professionals.
Course Component
Pharmacy Practice: Management and Operations
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: None
This course provides an introduction to pharmacy and personnel management and marketing principles. (Spring)
Course Component
Clinical Communications
4 hrs.
Basic concepts in interpersonal communications and application in simulated clinical settings such as patient interviews, medication education, and interactions with other health professionals.
Course Component
Pharmacy Law and Ethics
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the P-2 professional curriculum and good standing as a P-3 student.
This course presents federal and state laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to the practice of pharmacy; general principles of law including criminal, civil, and administrative procedures. The code of professional conduct and ethics is woven throughout the course.
Course Component
Clinical Communications
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the P-1 professional curriculum and good standing as a P-2 student.
Basic concepts in interpersonal communications and application in simulated clinical setting such as patient interviews, medication education, and interactions with other health professionals.
Course Component
Introduction to Personal Finance for Health Professionals
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: P-2 or P-3 students in good academic standing
This course offers a study of practical applications in budgeting, borrowing, investments, taxes, home ownership, and other aspects of personal money management. Students are exposed to multiple perspectives on financial markets, investing, and financial management.
Course Component
Quality Improvement in Pharmacy Practice
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: None
This course is designed to introduce the concept and applications of quality improvement in pharmacy practice.
Course Component
Ambulatory Care
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: None.
This is an application-based course to ambulatory care. Students will learn, present, discuss, and apply ambulatory care topics that are not covered in the core curriculum. Topics include, but are not limited to, various models of ambulatory care, billing practices, quality improvement, outcome measures, and service development. (Fall II, III)
Course Component
Patient Assessment
2 hrs.
Application of clinical assessment and physical parameters to normal conditions and to various disease states.
Course Component
Counseling Patients with Psychiatric Disorders
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: For P-2 and P-3 students with permission of course instructor
This course is designed to emphasize the integration of the current understanding of the pathophysiology, pharmacology, and therapeutic knowledge in the identification and treatment of selected psychiatric disorders and to use this information for strategies to integrate interventions into a health system via a counseling resource within an identified.
Course Component
Independent Study
Advanced Drug Literature Evaluation
2 hrs.
Preparation for the efficient utilization, critical evaluation, and clinical application of drug literature.
Course Component
Pharmaceutical Care I
3 hrs.
Principles of Pharmaceutical Care including health promotion, health defeating behaviors, proper nutrition, age-related changes affecting medication selection and effects; detection, evaluation, and reporting of adverse drug reactions; and the Pathophysiologic, Pharmaceutical, Pharmacologic, and therapeutic considerations in managing pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, constipation, and diarrhea.
Course Component
Traumatic Brain Injury
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: Eligibility for electives.
This course is composed of three components: (1) knowledge of the neurological and psychological impact of traumatic brain injury (TBI); (2) the psychopharmacological basis for the treatment of TBI and (3) development of the rationale for a comprehensive treatment plan with pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions.
Course Component
Pharmaceutical Care II
4 hrs.
The pathophysiologic, pharmaceutical, pharmacologic, and therapeutic considerations in the care of patients with cardiovascular diseases.
Course Component
Clinical Pharmacokinetics
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the P-1 professional curriculum and good standing as a P-2 student.
Application of Biopharmaceutical and Pharmacokinetic theory to clinical problems involved in optimizing and monitoring drug use in patients.
Course Component
Pharmaceutical Care III
3 hrs.
The pathophysiologic, pharmaceutical, pharmacologic, and therapeutic considerations in the care of patients with respiratory and renal diseases.
Course Component
4 hrs.
Prerequisites: Enrollment in the P-2 professional curriculum
This course teaches the application of biopharmaceutical and pharmacokinetic theory to clinical problems involved in optimizing and monitoring drug use in patients.
Course Component
Psychoactive Substances
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: Eligibility for electives
This course is designed to emphasize the integration of pathophysiology, pharmacology, and therapeutic knowledge in the identification and presentation of potential psychiatric effects of herbal, illicit, and over-the-counter substances for the pharmacy student and for the pharmacy student to disseminate this knowledge in clinical practice. This course is offered online only.
Course Component
Pharmaceutical Care V
3 hrs.
The Pathophysiologic, Pharmaceutical, Pharmacologic, and therapeutic considerations in the care of patients with Endocrinologic diseases.
Course Component
Pharmaceutical Care VI
2 hrs.
The pathophysiologicc, pharmaceutical, pharmacologic, and therapeutic considerations in the care of patients with gastrointestinal and rheumatologic diseases.
Course Component
Schizophrenia and Pharmacotherapy Treatment Options
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: Eligibility for electives and permission of instructor
This course is composed of two components: (1) knowledge of the psychopharmacological basis for the treatment of schizophrenia and/or other psychosis and (2) development of and rationale for a comprehensive treatment plan with pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions.
Course Component
Alcoholism and Other Drug Dependencies
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: Eligibility for electives
This elective will be offered during June of each year in conjunction with the University of Utah School on Alcoholism and Other Drug Dependencies. Registration for this elective is in the fall semester. Participation is limited to 15 students per OU faculty member in accordance with the student-to faculty ratio established by the University of Utah. Prior to participation in the Utah component of the elective two general class meetings will be held prior to enrollment and participation the University of Utah program. Additionally students participating in the University of Utah program must attend class session in Oklahoma and participate in a presentation session.
Course Component
Independent Study
Pharmaceutical Care VII
3 hrs.
The Pathophysiologic, Pharmaceutical, Ppharmacologic, and therapeutic considerations in the care of patients with infectious diseases.
Course Component
Psychopharmacology of Substance Use and Dependence
4 hrs.
Prerequisites: Eligibility for electives and permission of instructor
This course is composed of two components: (1) knowledge of the psychopharmacological basis for substance use and abuse leading to the development of a basic presentation which can be adapted for presentations to a variety of audiences and (2) presentation of this information to middle and high school students in a variety of settings.
Course Component
Nonprescription Products
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: P-1/P-2 year professional courses
Product selection required of pharmacists acting as consultants, supplies, and monitors of nonprescription drugs and home health care products.
Course Component
Pharmaceutical Care VIII
3 hrs.
The Pathophysiologic, Pharmaceutical, Pharmacologic, and therapeutic considerations in the care of patients with hematologic disorders or cancer.
Course Component
Pharmaceutical Care IX
1 hrs.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the P-1 professional curriculum and good standing as a P-2 student.
The Pathophysiologic, Pharmaceutical, Pharmacologic, and therapeutic considerations in the care of patients with dermatologic disorders.
Course Component
Psychiatric Disorders and Comorbid Conditions
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: Eligibility for electives and permission of instructor
This core elective in psychiatric certification focuses on the coexistence of psychiatric illnesses and chronic health problems. Track options for psychiatric illness, such as schizophrenia or depression, existing with chronic health problems will be studied.
Course Component
Pharmaceutical Care of Neurologic and Psychiatric Disorders
4 hrs.
Prerequisites: Good academic standing in P-3 year
This course provides an introduction to the pathophysiology and therapeutics of neurologic and psychiatric disorders, with a focus on the pharmacology and chemistry of agents commonly used in therapy.
Course Component
Seminar in Advanced Pharmacy Practice
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: Good academic standing in the 4th professional year
Yearlong Course
Supervised experience in the preparation and presentation of selected topics of current interest in patient care, pharmacy management and clinical research. This course is delivered across the entire fourth professional year, with the students enrolled in the Summer semester and grades assigned at the conclusion of the Spring Semester. Yearlong Course
Course Component
Interdisciplinary Geriatric Care
2 hrs.
This course is an introduction to interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches to health care of the elderly. It shows the importance of working together, and how team work will benefit the patient. It considers current issues in geriatric care and how different professions can interact for better patient care.
Course Component
Research in Pharmacy Practice
2 hrs.
Directed pharmacy practice research under the supervision of the Doctor of Pharmacy project committee.
Course Component
Special Studies in Pharmaceutical Sciences
1-6 hrs.
Prerequisites: None
May be repeated; maximum credit 12 hours.
Laboratory and library work to give qualified students an opportunity to pursue an original investigation or an interest in a special problem.
Course Component
Current Topics in Pharmaceutical Sciences
1 hrs.
Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor
May be repeated; maximum credit 2 hours.
This course will highlight current research in a broad range of topics from the basic, clinical, social , and administrative pharmaceutical sciences, using a journal club approach. One paper will be assigned weekly for study before the class session. In class discussions will be led by a faculty facilitator.
Course Component
Spirituality in Medicine
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: None. This one-week elective course is to include an introduction to spirituality in medical situations and dilemmas, exposure to various faith traditions to encourage spirtual sensitvity, exposure to palliative care through a hospice visit, and consideration of spiritual challenges experienced by providers.
Course Component
Clinical Pharmacology
2 hrs.
A clinically oriented course in pharmacology with emphasis on those drugs most commonly used in Dentistry. The clinical aspects, mechanisms, interactions and contraindications of drugs taken by the dental patient are stressed.
Course Component
Oral/Written Presentation Skills in the Social & Administrative Pharmaceutical Sciences
1 hrs.
Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor
May be repeated; maximum credit 2 hours.
The course will provide training in the comprehensive and presentation of cutting-edge primary literature in the field of social & administrative pharmaceutical sciences, which include, but are not limited to applications in/of sociology, psychology, management, marketing, economics, finances, epidemiology, and public health: and at the same time in developing scientific literature evaluation and general writing skills.
Course Component
Antimicrobial Chemicotherapy
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor
This course integrates basic information on the chemotherapy of infectious diseases with a special emphasis on resistance to antimicrobial chemotherapy and development of new antimicrobial agents.
Course Component
Pharmaceutical Technology
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: Permission from course coordinator
The students will learn the basic technologies associated with pharmaceutical research. The course is designed to introduce fundamentals of working in a pharmaceutical, drug development and delivery research environment. The laboratory component is included in order to provide demonstration of the underlying principles associated with common techniques/equipment used in such research.
Course Component
Biotechnology and Protein Drugs
3 hrs.
Recent developments in the synthesis, structure, and function of biologically active peptides and their relationship to the treatment of disease in man.
Course Component
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: None
The purpose of this course is to provide an expanded understanding of immunopharmacology, beyond that presented in a basic immunology course, to include an understanding of the mechanistic and research basis of the science. Basic principles of pharmacology, and the development and use of immunotherapeutics will also be emphasized.
Course Component
Drug Metabolism and Transporters
1 hrs.
Prerequisites: PHSC 5561 General Principles of Pharmacology.
Introduce topics on drug metabolism and transporters that are important for drug disposition, drug-drug interaction (DDIs) and toxicities; describe contemporary methodologies in studying drug metabolism and transporters; provide hands-on training of Simcyp Simulator software to predict drug disposition and DDIs in humans.
(SP I, II, & III)
Course Component
Radionuclide Methodology
4 hrs.
Principles of radioactive tracer methodology used in health research. Basic radiation physics, radionuclide calculations, interactions of radiation with matter, methods of radiation detection and determination experimental design, radiological safety and application of radionuclides to research. Laboratory included.
Course Component
Nuclear Pharmacy
4 hrs.
Prerequisites: None
Cross Listed: PHAR 7334
Introduction to the field of Nuclear Pharmacy. Topics include radiopharmaceutical quality control, stability and labeling techniques. Laboratory included.
Course Component
Social and Behavioral Issues in the Medication Use Process
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor
Introduction to psychosocial theories of patient and health provider behavior, evaluation of literature in which these theories are tested, and development of proposals to conduct theory-based research. Social and behavioral aspects of patient and health provider roles and relationships as they relate to medication use are emphasized.
Course Component
Clinical Toxicology
3 hrs.
The clinical toxicology of common agents ingested in overdoses. The practical management including stabilization of the patient, drug evacuation, drug elimination and prevention of organ damage. The evaluation of poison information literature and how to answer a poison related question.
Course Component
General Principles of Pharmacology: The ins and outs of drug action
1 hrs.
Prerequisites: BMSC 6052 Cellular Systems II
Course will discuss the role of drug disposition (uptake, distribution, metabolism and elimination) on pharmacokinetics and efficacy. Principles and utility of inverse agonism, biased agonism and paradoxical pharmacology, methods of receptor quantification (in vivo and in vitro), effect of chronic drug treatment and immunosuppressant pharmacology also will be addressed.
Course Component
1 hrs.
Prerequisites: PHSC 5561 Principles of General Pharmacology: The ins and outs of drug action.
Course will address the biochemical, molecular and physiological mechanisms of drugs affecting the central nervous system, potential new drug targets for each condition, and methods for assessing the effectiveness of potential therapeutic agents.
Course Component
Pharmacother Considerations in Pediatrics
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: Permission of course coordinator; College of Pharmacy residents, fellows, or graduate students only. This course will provide students with the knowledge and skills to develop rational pharmacotherapy for pediatric patients. Instruction will primarily involve case-based learning, with an emphasis on evaluation of pertinent literature.
Course Component
Principles of Toxicology
1 hrs.
Prerequisites: PHSC 5561 Principles of General Pharmacology: The ins and outs of drug action.
General principles of toxicology and systemic sites of action of toxicants, to include an understanding of the mechanistic and research basis of the science.
Course Component
Cardiovascular, Renal and Endocrine Pharmacology
1 hrs.
Prerequisites: PHSC 5561 General principles of Pharmacology; PHYO 6410 Genes to physiology: integrated cardiovascular and renal systems.
Coverage of the mechanism of action of drugs that modulate cardiovascular, renal and endocrine systems, as well as methods and relevant model systems in which these methods can be employed to answer basic science questions and screen for clinical efficacy.
Course Component
3 hrs.
Fundamental principles, mathematical models, and clinical applications of pharmacokinetics.
Course Component
Advanced Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
3 hrs.
Prerequisites: PHSC 5643 Pharmacokinetics
Introduction to advanced topics that add complexity in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) data interpretation and analysis; description and development of physiologically-based PK models and diverse empirical and mechanism-based PD models to appropriately describe PK/PD data; and scaling up findings from animals to humans.
Course Component
Pharmacy Administration Research Methods
3 hrs.
Research procedures in pharmacy administration including definition of the problem, scaling and measurement methods, sample size determination, questionnaire development, and selection of experimental or quasi-experimental designs.
Course Component
Advanced Pharmacy Management
3 hrs.
Principles of management in providing ambulatory pharmaceutical services with emphasis on the efficient management of a community pharmacy within the dynamics of the health care system.
Course Component
Pharmacy Service Evaluation
3 hrs.
Principles of cost effectiveness analysis (CEA) and cost benefit analysis (CBA) applied to the evaluation of pharmacy services and related health care programs.
Course Component
Numerical Tools for Quantitative Systems Pharmacology
1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None
This course introduces the use of numerical methods for the analysis of data and the development of computational models. Lectures provide both theoretical background and practical examples (using Matlab). Three major components are analysis of experimental data, implementation of dynamic models, and identification of model parameters. (Fall I, II, III, IV)
Course Component
Research for Master's Thesis
1-12 hrs.
Prerequisites: Permission. May be repeated; maximum credit 24 hours. Research Master's Thesis.
Course Component
Special Studies in Pharmaceutical Sciences
1-5 hrs.
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. May be repeated with a change of subject matter, maximum credit 12 hours. This course provides laboratory and library work to give qualified students an opportunity to pursue an original investigation or an interest in a special problem.
Course Component
Independent Study
Research Rotations in Pharmaceutical Sciences
1-3 hrs.
Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor
May be repeated; maximum credit 6 hours.
This course provides the opportunity for students to learn and experience an in-depth knowledge and appreciation for scientific skills and emphasizes techniques, instrumentation, and experimental design in a specific discipline within a multidisciplinary research environment.
Course Component
Independent Study
Pharmacogenomics: The Foundation of Personalized Medicine
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor
Cross Listed: OCNS 6002/GENC 6002
This course will prepare the graduate students to understand the influence of genetic variations among individuals and their contribution to differences in drug response. The students will learn basic principles of genetics and pharmacology and how genetic, environmental, lifestyle and nutritional factors affect drug response.
Course Component
Advanced Pharmacology
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: PHSC 5563, General Pharmacology or an equivalent course
This course provides instruction in drug transport and elimination, drug-receptor interactions, cancer chemotherapy, and immunopharmacology that are not addressed in introductory pharmacology courses.
Course Component
General and Systemic Toxicology
3 hrs.
General principles of toxicology and systemic sites of action of toxicants.
Course Component
Advanced Topics in Pharmaceutical Sciences
1-4 hrs.
Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor
May be repeated; maximum credit 10 hours.
This course provides advanced instruction in topics that were introduced in existing courses, or it may be used to teach emerging concepts that are not currently included in the curriculum. Topics for this course may be chosen from the basic pharmaceutical sciences, clinical sciences, or the social and administrative sciences.
Course Component
Journal Club in Pharmaceutical Sciences
1 hrs.
Prerequisites: None
May be repeated; maximum credit 2 hours.
The objectives of this course are for students to be able to critically analyze and appraise publications, organize and prepare a coherent presentation, and prepare a written critique of a selected article. This will help students interpret the relevance of findings in biological context and understand ethical responsibilities required for the scientific pursuit.
Course Component
Physical Pharmacy
3 hrs.
Advanced theoretical applications of physical and chemical principles to pharmaceutical systems.
Course Component
Research and Educational Methods
2 hrs.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing. Overview of research and educational methods for graduate students in the pharmaceutical sciences. This course will cover hypothesis development, grant writing, the patent process, course development, course assessment and grading.
Course Component
Readings in Pharmaceutical Sciences
1-2 hrs.
May be repeated with change in subject matter; maximum credit two hours. Discussion and reports on assigned readings relative to different divisions in pharmaceutical sciences. Subject areas are: Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacognosy (natural products), Nuclear Pharmacy, Pharmacodynamics/Toxicology, Hospital/Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics, and Pharmacy Management.
Course Component
Seminar in Pharmaceutical Sciences
1-2 hrs.
May be repeated with change in subject matter; maximum credit four hours. A general seminar for all divisions of graduate study in pharmaceutical sciences.
Course Component
Research for Doctoral Dissertation
1-16 hrs.
May be repeated to a maximum of 45 semester hours. A maximum of 16 hours per semester is allowed.
Course Component