College of Medicine

PA 7821 Focuses in PA Practice II - Spring 2025       1-1 hrs.

Prerequisites: Admission to PA Program. This course is designed to present topics relevant to health care delivery as a PA. Topics include health care delivery in Oklahoma focusing on an interdisciplinary approach, medical ethics, history of the profession and Program, medical ethics, professionalism and complimentary medicine.

Dates Sec. Class Days Times Instructor Location
01/06/2025 - 05/16/2025 001 - Lecture
10051 R 9:00 A.M
9:50 A.M
Douglas,Chad Allen
01/06/2025 - 05/16/2025 001 - Lecture
10051 R 9:00 A.M
9:50 A.M
Garone,Elizabeth Kemp
01/06/2025 - 05/16/2025 001 - Lecture
10051 R 9:00 A.M
9:50 A.M
Garone,Elizabeth Kemp