College of Medicine

PAT 7811 Community Impact Rotation - Spring 2025       1-1 hrs.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Year I PA courses with a 3.00 GPA, and/or permission of the PA Program Director. A two week rotation during the clinical phase of the program in which physician assistant students are assigned to participate in various activities to familiarize themselves with available community resources that could potential impact the care of their patients.

Dates Sec. Class Days Times Instructor Location
02/03/2025 - 02/14/2025 100 - Clinical
14975 N/A N/A Ijams,Shannon Denise Aberle Activity Center Tulsa - 000101E
04/28/2025 - 05/09/2025 200 - Clinical
14982 N/A N/A Ijams,Shannon Denise Aberle Activity Center Tulsa - 000101E