College of Medicine

PA 7116 Clinical Medicine II - Spring 2025       6-6 hrs.

Prerequisites: Admission to the PA Program Using an organ-system based approach, the Clinical Medicine II course is designed to educate the student in the presentation, diagnosis, management and treatment of the most common clinical conditions seen by health care providers. The systems covered in Clinical Medicine II include the following: Neurology, Orthopedics, Gastroenterology and Genitourinary.

Dates Sec. Class Days Times Instructor Location
01/06/2025 - 05/16/2025 001 - Lecture
10048 M W F 8:00 A.M
12:00 P.M
Foster,Kenneth Garold
01/06/2025 - 05/16/2025 001 - Lecture
10048 M W F 8:00 A.M
12:00 P.M
Garone,Elizabeth Kemp