College of Medicine

CELL 6421 Tumor Board - Spring 2025       1-1 hrs.

Prerequisites: GPIBS curriculum, admittance to candidacy, permission of course director, and student's Ph.D. advisor. May be repeated; maximum credit 2 hours. This course is for graduate students in cancer research who are interested in gaining insight into the clinical disease. This course requires attendance at a weekly clinical department tumor board and a monthly meeting with the course director. In addition, each student will read and write a summary of a recently published clinical trial. The case history, surgery, pathology, and treatment options for individual cancer cases are presented at the tumor board. Specific Tumor Boards will be determined by the student, their mentor and course director. Students will attend 14 meetings over the course of one academic semester for 1 credit.

Dates Sec. Class Days Times Instructor Location
01/13/2025 - 05/09/2025 001 - Lecture
11293 T W R F SAT 12:00 A.M
12:00 A.M
Hanigan,Marie H