College of Medicine

OCNS 5960 Directed Readings - Spring 2025       1-6 hrs.

Prerequisites: None. May be repeated; maximum 6 credit hours. Provides opportunity for independent study through review of the literature in a particular area of interest under a selected professor.

Dates Sec. Class Days Times Instructor Location
01/13/2025 - 05/09/2025 001 - Independent Study
Independent/Directed Study
14830 M T W R F N/A Ahmad,Mohiuddin
01/13/2025 - 05/09/2025 002 - Independent Study
Independent/Directed Study
14886 N/A N/A Bhatti,Faizah N
01/13/2025 - 05/09/2025 003 - Independent Study
Independent/Directed Study
14889 N/A N/A Beckstead,Michael
01/13/2025 - 05/09/2025 004 - Independent Study
Independent/Directed Study
14888 N/A N/A Wren,Jonathan D.
01/13/2025 - 05/09/2025 005 - Independent Study
Independent/Directed Study
14923 N/A N/A Freeman,Willard Morgan
01/13/2025 - 05/09/2025 006 - Independent Study
Independent/Directed Study
14924 N/A N/A Lewis,Tommy L
01/13/2025 - 05/09/2025 007 - Independent Study
Independent/Directed Study
14936 N/A N/A Tarantini,Stefano