College of Pharmacy

PHSC 5031 Oral/Written Presentation Skills in the Social & Administrative Pharmaceutical Sciences - Spring 2021       1-1 hrs.

Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor The course will provide training in the comprehensive and presentation of cutting-edge primary literature in the field of social & administrative pharmaceutical sciences, which include, but are not limited to applications in/of sociology, psychology, management, marketing, economics, finances, epidemiology, and public health: and at the same time in developing scientific literature evaluation and general writing skills.

Dates Sec. Class Days Times Instructor Location
01/19/2021 - 05/14/2021 001 - Lecture
15766 M T W R F 8:00 A.M
9:00 A.M
Smith,Michael J
01/19/2021 - 05/14/2021 002 - Lecture
15875 M T W R F N/A Skrepnek,Grant H
01/19/2021 - 05/14/2021 003 - Lecture
15895 N/A N/A Planas,Lourdes