College of Nursing

NURS 3162 Human Experience of Disability - August Intersession 2020       2-2 hrs.

Prerequisites: NURS 3043; NURS 3024; NURS 3033; NURS 3033; NURS 3062; NURS 3083 This on-line course focuses on patient-centered nursing care of individuals and family members experiencing biopsychosocial and behavioral changes associated with disabilities. Information management and quality improvement skills will be used to develop rational for nursing care across the lifespan that maximizes restoration and healthy adaptation of these lifestyle alterations.

Dates Sec. Class Days Times Instructor Location
08/03/2020 - 08/21/2020 100 - Discussion
WWW (Distance 100% Online)
10002 N/A N/A Metheny,Tonie Le
08/03/2020 - 08/21/2020 200 - Discussion
WWW (Distance 100% Online)
10003 N/A N/A