College of Nursing

NURS 6960 Directed Readings in Nursing Science: - Summer I 2019       1-6 hrs.

Prerequisites: None. May be repeated with variable topics and content; multiple enrollment allowed in same term, maximum credit 9 hours. Intensive directed readings in a specific area of interest. Individually tailored for each student with extensive directed readings in a specific area of the student's interest and /or background.

Dates Sec. Class Days Times Instructor Location
06/03/2019 - 07/29/2019 100 - Independent Study
WWW (Distance 100% Online)
10048 N/A N/A Holtzclaw,Barbara J
06/03/2019 - 07/29/2019 101 - Independent Study
WWW (Distance 100% Online)
10070 N/A N/A Dwyer,Kathleen Ann
06/03/2019 - 07/29/2019 102 - Independent Study
WWW (Distance 100% Online)
10071 N/A N/A