College of Nursing

NURS 4142 Human Experience in Acute and Chronic Illness III - Summer I 2019       2-2 hrs.

Prerequisites: NURS 4026 Clinical Nursing III; NURS 4034 Human Experience in Acute and Chronic Illness II; NURS 4043 Psychosocial Nursing; NURS 4062 Nursing Research This course provides opportunities for students to review, analyze, and synthesize complex concepts as they relate to multi-system acute and chronic illness management across the lifespan. The focus is on evidence-based, patient-centered nursing care of patients and families.

Dates Sec. Class Days Times Instructor Location
06/03/2019 - 07/29/2019 100 - Lecture
WWW (Distance 100% Online)
10066 N/A N/A Hutchens,Amy Marie
06/03/2019 - 07/29/2019 200 - Lecture
WWW (Distance 100% Online)
10067 N/A N/A Dawson,Amee-Shea Dobbs