College of Nursing

NURS 3083 Pharmacology in Nursing - Fall 2018       3-3 hrs.

Prerequisites: Admission to the OU College of Nursing This theory course focuses on the nurse's responsibilities involved in safe patient centered care in both the administration of drugs and the monitoring and evaluation of clients receiving medications across the lifespan. Students will utilize evidence based information in exploring a prototype medication for each class of medications.

Dates Sec. Class Days Times Instructor Location
08/20/2018 - 12/14/2018 100 - Lecture
13584 N/A 12:00 A.M
12:00 A.M
Hutchens,Amy Marie
08/20/2018 - 12/14/2018 100 - Lecture
13584 N/A 12:00 A.M
12:00 A.M
08/20/2018 - 12/14/2018 101 - Lecture
13616 N/A N/A Hutchens,Amy Marie
08/20/2018 - 12/14/2018 200 - Lecture
13585 T 8:30 A.M
11:30 A.M
08/20/2018 - 12/14/2018 201 - Lecture
13617 R 8:30 A.M
11:30 A.M
08/20/2018 - 12/14/2018 300 - Lecture
13586 M 12:00 A.M
12:00 A.M
McElroy,Lori Dawn