College of Medicine

PAT 7265 Clinical Medicine for Special Populations - Spring 2025       5-5 hrs.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Fall Semester of the Physician Assistant Program or permission by Program Director This course introduces the physician assistant student to various normal and disease states commonly encountered in the primary care of special populations: geriatrics, the homeless, pediatrics, and women. Attention is given to the knowledge, skills and development of professional attitudes required in the care of these patients.

Dates Sec. Class Days Times Instructor Location
01/02/2025 - 05/09/2025 100 - Lecture
10003 N/A 12:00 A.M
12:00 A.M
Luetkemeyer,Jessica Lee Activity Center Tulsa - 000101E
01/02/2025 - 05/09/2025 100 - Lecture
10003 N/A 12:00 A.M
12:00 A.M
Ackerman,Autumn Renae Activity Center Tulsa - 000101E