College of Pharmacy

PHAR 7502 Pediatric Medication Safety I - Fall 2016       2-2 hrs.

Prerequisites: P-2 or P-3 students in good academic standing with instructor approval This course will introduce the student to approaching a pediatric prescription and reviewing it for appropriateness. Students will review prescriptions written, propose resolution to problems identified, complete a drug information request, and communicate with physicians about prescription errors.

Dates Sec. Class Days Times Instructor Location
08/22/2016 - 12/16/2016 001 - Lecture
14148 T 1:00 P.M
1:50 P.M
Condren,Linda Michelle College Of Pharmacy Building - 0339
08/22/2016 - 12/16/2016 002 - Lecture
14149 T 1:00 P.M
1:50 P.M
Condren,Linda Michelle Academic Center, SHSC - 0001D25
08/22/2016 - 12/16/2016 003 - Laboratory
14166 T 1:00 P.M
1:50 P.M
Condren,Linda Michelle
08/22/2016 - 12/16/2016 004 - Laboratory
14167 T 1:00 P.M
1:50 P.M
Condren,Linda Michelle